Turns out medieval people knew how to sew and didn’t just wear an entire sheepskin over their shoulders

    by Quiescam


    1. Here’s a post on supposedly [medieval torture devices](https://talesoftimesforgotten.com/2019/11/11/why-most-so-called-medieval-torture-devices-are-fake/). The chair so popular on ren-fairs is an [African birthing chair](https://thelocalvault.com/product/african-hand-carved-birthing-chair-2-piece/) and decidedly not medieval. And while different kinds of fur were widely used during the Middle Ages [to trim clothing](https://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-viking-age/the-people/clothes-and-jewellery/), people didn’t just throw skins over their shoulders (I blame the Vikings tv show, where they seem to be used to make the actors shoulders seem wider). Vikings weren’t a cross between Neolithic peoples and bikers.

    2. Swords like the Zweihander, cutlasses and rapiers aren’t medieval weapons.

      On the other hand, early firearms like the handgun and arquebus are.

    3. Characterinoutback on

      Everything being black/brown despite nobles making sure they looked absolutely FABULOUS every chance they got

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