I’ve seen older pictures of American kids with palms down. It’s just the way it used to be. We went away from that after the Nazis made it (in)famous.
Mister_DumDum on
I’m not 100% but I believe Americans used to salute their flag during their national anthem the same way before WW2, when the nazis ruined it (along with the swastika)
Claude-QC-777 on
Are they asking Russia to attack them? Are they stupid?
draugotO on
Just so you know: Salute is specifically THAT pose… if it is not that pose, it is not a salute.
EldritchAether on
This looks AI generated.
Arms don’t normally bend like that.
Sir_Nuttsak on
Prior to WWII, this was the American salute to the US flag. It’s not really that uncommon.
congtubaclieu on
Their arms are pointed to the side, it’s fine
pdzbw on
They are not saluting, that’s just a snapshot of a series of movements. Chinese schools do those weird shit. Been there done that
BMotu on
sept. 26th morning year of 2023, Hengyang city. youth “flag saluted, red genes inherited” companion helded in Zhengxiang district experimental primary school
IndPolCom on
Members of RSS (Hindu Terrorist Orgn) do the same.
palms up its different
That’s so un-American.
Heil seig?
Heil Xi Kim Jongping
I’m from Austria and i see there no problem
I’ve seen older pictures of American kids with palms down. It’s just the way it used to be. We went away from that after the Nazis made it (in)famous.
I’m not 100% but I believe Americans used to salute their flag during their national anthem the same way before WW2, when the nazis ruined it (along with the swastika)
Are they asking Russia to attack them? Are they stupid?
Just so you know: Salute is specifically THAT pose… if it is not that pose, it is not a salute.
This looks AI generated.
Arms don’t normally bend like that.
Prior to WWII, this was the American salute to the US flag. It’s not really that uncommon.
Their arms are pointed to the side, it’s fine
They are not saluting, that’s just a snapshot of a series of movements. Chinese schools do those weird shit. Been there done that
sept. 26th morning year of 2023, Hengyang city. youth “flag saluted, red genes inherited” companion helded in Zhengxiang district experimental primary school
Members of RSS (Hindu Terrorist Orgn) do the same.