[OC] U.S. Election Results per All Age-eligible Citizens, incorporating disenfranchisement, third-party votes, and Census Survey reasons for non-participation.

    by ptrdo

    1 Comment

    1. This chart extrapolates upon U.S. Census Survey for “Reasons For Not Voting, By Selected Characteristics: November 2020” and also incorporates an estimate for disenfranchised felons (per state laws), and third-party and write-in votes for persons other than the top two finishers (Biden and Trump). All is based on Federal Election Commission tallies of all votes in the 2020 Presidential election. Stated survey reasons were simplified to fewer words to facilitate word cloud result.


      Data downloaded in CSV and consolidated in Excel (see below). Word Clouds were generated via a variety of R packages and online solutions. Ultimately, a pixel count of exports were done to hone-in on actual percentages (considering word lengths, font weight, and letterforms). Pie chart, word cloud, and legend summary assembled in Adobe Illustrator.

      Federal Election Results, 2020:


      2020 General Election Turnout:


      Voting and Registration Surveys, 2020 (Table 10):


      Working spreadsheet:


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