Ted Cruz insults his constituents

    by NewYorkMayorsOffice


    1. “I would rather be here with the people of Texas, than with the finest people in the world” ~ Ted Cruz probably.

    2. thisonelamename on

      Wait. Is this for real? He can’t be this dumb… right?


    3. Courageous?? Wasn’t he just called out for hiding in a cupboard.

      The projection knows no limits with this bunch

    4. “Ya’ll are stupid and my opponent wants to change that! Don’t let him!” – Ted “Cancun” Cruz

    5. HeyCoolThingAreYou on

      No surprise here. J. D. Vance called his own supporters “we are the party of the uneducated white folks.” These people are just literally insulting their own supporters. They are so brainwashed now they actually like being treated like poop. I’m sure Ted will have this deleted soon. Mark my words.

    6. Darksoul_Design on

      Self fulfilling prophecy? If they elect him they are confirming that they are in fact “not the brightest”. And it’s an almost certainty that he will be reelected along with Trump, because it’s clear we are living in the Idiocracy Timeline.

    7. “Vote Rafael Cruz, because youre an idiot.” –

      I’m Ted Cruz, and I support this message.

    8. Ted’s new sloggan – “Keep Texas red & sped” … Ted because you’re not a bright texan, doesn’t mean the rest of them aren’t.

    9. PurpleDragonCorn on

      Missed opportunity to make the end of that tweet catchy and say, “keep Texas red, Vote Ted”

    10. “Look, you’re dumb, everyone knows it, but you’re American as apple pie. Vote for me.”

      -Rafael Edward Cruz, basically

    11. Did… did he? … did he just call Texans stupid??? And they still vote for him? what kind of reality are we living in?

    12. EmotionalRescue918 on

      Normally I’d question if this tweet is real because it is so unbelievably stupid, but Ted’s BFF told his own supporters in Detroit last week that “the whole country will end up being like Detroit” if Kamala wins. Insulting your audience seems to be right out of the GOP playbook, it seems, so sure, there’s a reasonable chance this tweet is legit.

    13. PhaseNegative1252 on

      Vote for Ted so he can afford another vacation while the state is suffering severe winter conditions

    14. If this pile of human garbage wins again, I give up on having faith in Texas. This man has done NOTHING for his constituents

    15. Texans aren’t even smart enough to know his name is Raphael Cruz from Calgary, Canada.

    16. Real American values like fleeing to Cancun or hiding in a closet? Or maybe going mute when your wife is insulted? Those kinds of values?

    17. Sadly Cruz is clearly clueless to the fact that he basically called his constituents and fellow Texans unintelligent. I guess his assessment will prove to be true if he should somehow win.

    18. “My fellow Texans, you’ve been dumb enough to vote for me before, I’ve done all I could to ensure you are dumb enough to vote for me again. Please, I don’t want to lose my 2nd home in Cancun!”

    19. thekidubullied on

      Think about it from his point of view. He keeps getting voted in and his constituents keep falling for his bullshit. From his perspective he probably does think Texans are a bunch of idiots.

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