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    by Leefiey


    1. thatweirdguyted on

      The one thing that I like about Trump is that whatever Scooby Doo villain bullshit that Republicans are up to, the smart ones will either keep it quiet or find a way to rephrase it to sound better. But Trump does not get that at all and frequently says the quiet part out loud.

      Trump telling a school that school shootings are just a fact of life that they have to get over, literally days after it got shot up, is so cartoonishly evil. One could be forgiven for thinking that it’s just his own opinion, but that is the narrative of the 2A crowd. They’d literally rather accept that their own children are at greater risk from gunfire than any generation that came before them than accept the idea that the problems of gun ownership have evolved in the last 230 years.

    2. JustASimpleDurp on

      Imagine having lost a child in one of those incidents and then you read this post…..yikes

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