You won’t believe the racial breakdowns….

    by Just_Ad_7082


    1. Competitive_Act_9623 on

      Hey he was anti smoking, an animal rights activist, *and* he was the guy that killed Hitler! Shame that was just about all that was good about him

    2. I mean if we consider animal and nature protection than he was quite passionate about it. And that one is a good quality. So it’s not a wrong statrment, so I get where that came from. I’m not defending at all Hitler, but hey, you have to give credit where it’s worth.

    3. I remember a quote from hardcore history that said someone is gonna write a book about the upsides of the third reich in a couple hindered years. Kinda fucked to think that’ll come in my lifetime

    4. I can’t help but feel this is likely a sampling problem or a case of “Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.”

      I refuse to believe that over a fifth of gen Z *actually* think that positively about Hitler.

    5. We are just more versed on some of hitlers weirder policies. He was anti-smoking and notably an animal rights activist. Saying every single idea of his is bad is just disingenuous.

      The genocide idea is pretty shitty though.

    6. I mean besides the obvious things (animals rights activist, killed Hitler) his ideas on how to speak, gain support and rally a group were great, he just used it for the terrible idea of genocide.

    7. The premise is really flawed tbh. Its not is hitler good or bad, its did hitler have only terrible ideas or did he have some good ones which he did

    8. I think the question is flawed from the beginning. There’s two sensible responses:

      1.- Yes, pretty much all Hitler did was horrific but he did technically support one or two good things like animal protections

      2.- No, he was fucking Hitler

      So we cannot interpret that result without knowing if they said yes because they recognize the extremely few good things he technically did or if they said yes because they think the Jews had it coming

    9. Questionably_Chungly on

      To be fair, I’d say 20% of people are bound to be *really fucking stupid* statistically. Like when you take any group of people as a whole, there’s gotta be a bottom 20th percentile with some dogshit opinions.

    10. I live in Bangladesh, in South Asia, where Hitler is regarded as a hero. I was surprised to find that even my history teacher is one of them.

    11. No-Strain-7461 on

      I’d think of it like this—any genuinely good ideas he might have had were likely not exclusive to him, and thus we don’t need him to be our example for them.

      Whereas his evil was such that it’s impossible to ignore.

    12. “some good ideas” I’m willing to bet a large chunk of the people who voted that way were thinking along the lines of “a broken clock is right twice a day”

    13. I’d like to see the question. Was it, “Did Hitler have some good ideas?” Or did it list some random non evil thing hitler did and ask if they liked it without saying it was from Hitler?

      * Do you think people shouldn’t eat meat?
      * Do you think smoking is bad?
      * Do you think drinking alcohol is bad?

      If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, then you think Hitler had some good ideas.

      That said, Trump also apparently said Hitler had some good ideas, and I’m sure at least some percentage of Gen Z are MAGA brainwashed, so they’ll happily repeat that as well.

    14. Do you want to stop animal abuse and despise smoking????
      If so you’re literally Hitler. Stupid poll.

    15. Next_Boysenberry1414 on

      The real reason why we are really cooked is because of that 79%

      People are so ignorant and are okay with forming opinions on half truths.

      Hitler had a lot of good ideas. I would say some of his ideas are better than some modern politicians like Bush, Trump or even Biden. He introduced animal cruelty laws, was against smoking in an era where smoking was considered a good thing, promoted autobahn and cheap cars, and was able to drag out Germany from a hole that was

      Yes. There is not argument that his bad ideas were the worst and one of his best ideas was killing himself.

    16. mushykindofbrick on

      I mean thinking that because you say he was not wrong about everything equals to supporting Hitler and genocide and praising everything he has done is the cooked thing, that just shows that people are not capable of critical thinking everything is just emotional and extreme there is no Nuance allowed

    17. aCucking2Remember on

      What precisely are they referring to? Hugo Boss makes some sick drip? I honestly can’t even think of any policy proposals other than, well you know.

    18. Some_Cockroach2109 on

      I bet these morons don’t even know what his ideas were nor have read Mein Kampf.

    19. Tiny_Butterscotch_76 on

      I’ve learned to stop taking these polls as seriously as before. They do these with deliberately eye catching titles, when they obviously did not actually poll the entirety of Gen Z. So how big is the actual pool of people you have been asking this question?

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