Least confusing politics from Ohio

    by Saturn_Ecplise


    1. It’s almost like one political party knows their policy positions are overwhelmingly unpopular so just blatantly lie about everything to trick low information voters.

    2. I just wanna close the blinds and read a book.

      It’s painful seeing the stupidity of my fellow humans.

      I’m not sure how much longer I can be bothered caring about the lambs that are being led to the slaughter.

    3. Don’t mistake for malice that which can be explained by stupidity. Look at that idiotic layout. Identify the proposition at the top and make the NO really big. Got it, boss.

    4. It’s sad that this kind of stuff is so prevalent it’s even on the ballots themselves to trick people into voting against their own self interests.

      [Ballotpedia ](https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup?fbclid=IwY2xjawF9T_hleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHWsKQAn0NrnH4fF5IjR5wS9NkkX-gQZEIc2rhL334cXnr3FylIRwVpWGjg_aem_-nE8a1F3yLma6pNJi9EJuw) was created to help give straightforward explanations of what’s on a ballot. Which it’s sad it’s need but I’m glad there’s a resource to fight this.

    5. I had to look it up; voting YES on Prop 1 would create a 15 member Ohio Citizens Redistricting commission and preclude politicians, party officials and lobbyists from sitting on said commission. Most importantly, “It requires fair and impartial districts by making it unconstitutional to draw voting districts that discriminate against or favor any political party or individual politician.”

      A vote for NO on 1 allows it stay how it is, allowing for more a more *traditional* style of gerrymandering.

    6. Biggert_Blobson on

      Republicans are using vague and confusing language in the ballot proposal, dirty tactics like usual from Ohio Republicans. Anyone in Ohio needs to ensure that they and their fellow voters are aware that voting YES on Issue 1 is the right decision

    7. One of these policies is supported by democrats and promotes equal representation.

      The other is supported by the GOP and will make districts that look like Rorschach Paintings and they will outright lie and say voting for their side will prevent the very gerrymandering they want to silence popular votes.

    8. Buckeye_Monkey on

      On the plus side, the only No-on-1 signs I’ve seen around here are right next to Trump signs, so it makes it pretty clear which way to vote by association.

    9. attractive_nuisanze on

      Policies so unpopular, the GOP must lie about what side they’re on

      Frank LaRose did this with abortion rights in Ohio as well. Amazingly, people saw through that confusing charade and voted in their self interest

    10. If you want to see some straight up bullshit, look at the wording on the ballot. That passing the Ohio Supreme Court shows which party is in the majority there.

      Sorry, I couldn’t find a good link to it that wasn’t a pdf.

    11. Signs around Arizona for “Yes on prop 138, protect tipped workers”. A yes vote would reduce tip worker wages. It’s to trick those who won’t read the props fully. 

    12. It’s time for us to stop allowing them false advertising in political ads. It is considered fraud just prosecuted then they’ll stop. It starts with your attorney general approving the wording.

    13. C’mon, everyone, all they did was forget to punctuate it. Here you go:

      Stop Gerrymandering? No!

      (On: Issue 1)

    14. The small print gives it away, but that’s hard to read when you’re driving by. The name of the Party paying for signs should be the largest print on a sign so people know whose position it is.

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