I had a white beard hair that has reverted back to black

    by Frogimus


    1. I think you may have been abducted by aliens who conducted gene editing experiments while you were unconscious and then placed you snuggly back in your bed while you were none the wiser. I don’t see any other explanations.

    2. Lord--Kitchener on

      Not the only one, I’ve also had a few like that, haven’t looked in the mirror properly recently but I might still have some

    3. Ive had several hairs like this.

      Its really funny cause theres a harvard study saying its impossible and Im over here like “huh”.

    4. I grew a beard after the military. It was about 1/3 grey. After a year or two that dropped to less than 1/4 grey. I think it was the reduced stress.

    5. Top-Camera9387 on

      When you have trichotillomania and can’t stop pulling out your beard hairs, you find a lot of colors. And split ends.

    6. This is my whole life. I used to have a solid red beard but now it’s white, black, blonde, brown and all the hairs will start and stop different colors. I have no explanation except getting older and the stress of living. The texture of the hair has changed quite a bit as well.

    7. Live-Classroom4811 on

      I’ll have this happen occasionally I’m convinced it’s bc of stress

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