Hole-y Plan: Trump’s Got Inflation Glazed and Confused!

    by Reg_Cliff


    1. MessagingMatters on

      Inflation is down to 2.4%, which is even lower than the historic average since 1914 of 3.5%. Trump’s method to bring down inflation is to have a recession, like he caused in 2020.

    2. New_Scientist_8622 on

      Okay folks I think I get this one. Let me take a shot at decoding. He’s trying to say that everyone needs to automate like Krispy Kreme did because he watched a show about it once on AHC. In his mind (what’s left, anyway) the shrinking labor costs from doing this will drive prices down (it won’t).

    3. “You make donuts. You have the stoves. You have the this.”

      And he has the goddam gall to call Kamala “mentally deficient.”

    4. The best part of this would be the gaslighting, bigoted, cowardly magat, telling you that “It makes complete sense when you look at the context”!

    5. This is just wrong. He said a lot more. He was talking about how energy prices affect inflation.

      Listen, he’s an easy enough target without having to resort to editing him to make him look stupid. Do better, KamalaHQ. You’re just giving ammunition to deniers doing this.

    6. nice-view-from-here on

      “You simply have to stop overpaying women for making donuts. I will sign an executive order…”

    7. Okay, I get his quotes are mostly batshit crazy but what’s the full context here? He can’t be that deranged, right?

      Edit: I watched the clip. He’s still an idiot but he was talking about bringing prices down generally by bringing down energy costs. He can’t articulate his thoughts for shit and the idea is about as complete has his fragmented sentences.

    8. Not only does he not answer the question, what he says makes zero sense even if you work to interpret it.

      “You have the [raw materials], you have the stoves” so somehow that let’s you make the donuts cheaper? Even though you already have those things and the price is what it is? Nothing changes at all whatsoever, but magically it’s cheaper because he says it is?

    9. If one single reporter can look at his dumb ass and say: “what the fuck are you talking about?”

      I would be so happy 

    10. Are those the beautiful Biden circles he ranted on earlier ? Or just another sun down event?

    11. New_Helicopter8960 on

      There exist many voters who listen to the donut-stove response from the weaver and go ‘obviously, he has a better handle on the economy’.

      There will always be con men as long as there exist people who desperately want to be conned.

    12. modelcitizen64 on

      You know he came up with that answer because he heard someone backstage talking about donuts.

    13. Trump is making no sense. If in a crisis no one can understand his orders what will we do?

    14. Translation: had some point about how energy is used to make things. Aborted the point and just skipped back to his main point about ‘the energy’.

      Someone explained a talking point about how a specific policy to make energy cheaper (whatever that means) would make everything cheaper and inflation fall, but he doesn’t actually understand it , and just rambles on attempting to remember the overall idea.

    15. SnooPeripherals6557 on

      I thought JD would frame him w/ 25th Amendment, but it appears he is actually incompetent and it’s not an act or party of his groovy reality tv show.

    16. Chance Gardener says you just need to sow the seeds and make donuts. MAGA goes wild about their genius candidate.

      Who knew Jerzy Koninski was such a prophet.

      It’s become that absurd.

    17. Wait until Trump sycophants attempt to paraphrase what Trump REALLY meant when he was talking about donuts and stoves. I can see this being spinned towards abortion. ‘You see here Jim, Women operate the stoves and obviously make the donuts. If you keep women in the kitchen, their rightful place, good luck getting Donuts if we ban Abortion.’

      Yep, I can see this happening in today’s timeline.

    18. Few-Commercial-8271 on

      the maga MORON is strong in this one. Just imagine sitting there thinking, yap that’s my guy. vote for Kamala and flush the orange TURD.

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