Solar farm on a mountaintop in Shanxi, northern China

    by jellylemonshake


    1. SportyGalGirlie on

      I also thought that it probably wasn’t environmentally friendly. Roof tops are a better choice for solar panels because they are already in urban areas where there is potentially less impact on what had been acres of trees and plants.

    2. Infamous-Draft4551 on

      That’s a serious commitment to clean energy. I can only imagine how cool it must be to see that view in person. Makes me think about how we could use more creative spots for solar power back home too!

    3. I would like to see large solar projects in the US but there must be better places to put them than on scenic mountains. What’s the cost / burden to maintain something like this and the long term impact for waste when panels need replaced? It seems like parking lots, roof tops, highway medians, etc would be better locations that would be easier to access and maintain and wouldn’t destroy the natural beauty.

      Edit – spelling

    4. This is not environmentally friendly or a step in the right direction. Give me coal and gas until we find something more effective.

    5. People tried to produce green energy.

      Average jobless redditors living at their parents basement: this is shit and I can do better.

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