1. If only the 17 yo assistant manager seeing hm try to grab the fryer with those little hands shaking as he lifts the purposefully small order of fries and says…. “You’re fired!!”

    2. LostDragon1986 on

      This is the same guy that said he will go to Springfield, OH in two weeks to address his claims of people eating pets.

    3. Trump changes his mind so much his aide is still stuck on denying she ever worked there while Trump has moved on to the “she didn’t work there long” phase.

      But at least the major story isn’t him playing music on stage for half an hour anymore, good for him.

      And now he’s a solid two steps away from his plan to ban violent (read:all?) video games.

      Pour enough shit down the pipe and no one ever has a chance to really see what any single piece is.

    4. Fake_William_Shatner on

      If you hired Trump at a McDonalds, you’d need to pat him down every night lest he reprise the Hamburgler role.

    5. Oh I do hope someone tosses a quarter in the bottom of the vat and tells him to grab it out.

    6. I literally worked BK as my first job at 14. I could operate the fryers.

      He is trying to make a point out of something a 14 year old can do.

      A 78 year old presidential candidate is trying to look “<insert adjective>” for doing something for a half an hour, that a 14 year old works their entire shift for.

      This. Guy. Is. A. VERY DANGEROUS. Joke.


    7. After that he can jump on the assembly line and we can all watch him loose control of an air hammer.

    8. ConsiderationNo5146 on

      It’s so sad when senior citizens have to return to work after blowing through their savings. Poor guy

    9. It’s bizzare to think that Trump’s first actual employment was President of the United States. He had never actually worked for anyone before that. He even owned rights to his TV show, so he was contracting himself to NBC at the time.

    10. Reminder that he is not only a liar, but a coward.

      1) He says he will do many, many things he has no intention of doing at all. This is no different, and no matter of fantasy-driven schadenfreude on my part will change reality.

      2) For a man who has, according to everything anyone knows about him, never actually worked a day in his life doing anything constructive or labor intensive, this would take a level of courage unavailable to him.

      3) Even if he appears at the McDonalds, its a photo op. There will be no work. Touching a fryer basket and getting a photo taken is the only real outcome that could happen here. Then he’ll start making up deranged lies about the entire event. Just publicity. Nothing more.

      4) We have all already wasted too much time talking about this man again.

    11. I can’t wait until he complains about how confusing it is and walks away, proving he can’t even do something an average teenager can accomplish.

    12. For some of those people, it is not an entry job but it pays their bills, childcare, and healthcare. To him, this is a joke and he goes home “rich”. He could advocate for raising the national minimum wage but no, this is better.

    13. Further proof that he thinks your life is just a joke. Your life – your struggle – is just another stunt to him.

      Children could assemble automobiles and a senile, 78-year old with fecal incontinence, dementia and an extremely thin resume can take up work at a fast food restaurant just to “see what it’s like”.

      The only people this shit-stain hasn’t disrespected are foreign dictators.

    14. Kamala Harris really has him rattled ever since that debate. It’s almost as if he’s gradually falling apart.

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