Breaking: New projections show Trump’s tariff plan will crater the economy

    by Brilliant_Cap_3726


    1. The_Velvet_Bulldozer on

      And none of this will matter to his mouth breathing base. They’ll just claim it’s the Democrats fault or that it isn’t even happening at all, while they line up for unemployment and food stamps because they lost their jobs. The mental gymnastics they do for this shit bag is astounding.

    2. When Trump rounds up his domestic “enemies” and puts them in work camps, he’ll count that as job creation.

    3. changeforgood30 on

      MAGA: [Visible happiness] I can’t wait for Trump to crash the economy to own the libs!

    4. If, God forbid, he wins, it will be comico-fascinating to see how they spin things to be able to blame the fallout on Democrats.

      Because they’ll do it, and it will be bought. Because that’s what cults do.

    5. All he’d need to do is blame Biden for the increases and 45% of Americans would believe him.

    6. SonOfJokeExplainer on

      I had a guy just yesterday argue with me that it’s a good idea to raise the cost of “cheap Chinese crap” to “make certain things easier”. He couldn’t expound on that at all when pressed to do so, though. There are a lot of very stupid people out there.

    7. MoistWetMarket on

      He always just says “the other countries will pay” and leaves it at that. I wish one of the interviewers would ask him to explain, step-by-step, the process of collecting tariffs from foreign countries. He wouldn’t be able to explain it because there’s no way to do it and he’d certainly “weave” into a discussion about immigrants.

      His fairy-tale vision is as likely as a US citizen going to the grocery store and at the checkout stand the grocer says, “Good news- China paid for your sales tax.”

      At least one of his economic advisors MUST have let him know that this won’t work. He’s either (a) lying (again) and hopefully isn’t planning to sign exec orders post-election for blanket tariffs or (b) believes his own elementary-level BS and will drive our economy into the ground.

    8. Master_Shoulder_9657 on

      Their excuse is that these institutions are fake news and the establishment covering for Kamala and that you can only listen to what Trump says. Only he can bring about prosperity…. Despite Trump being the establishment lol

      It’s a cult

    9. 101fulminations on

      Trump wants to gift Putin a failed US economy. Not joking, dead serious, it’s just that simple, that’s what he’s doing.

    10. He keeps talking about tarrifs because i think thats the only thing about the economy he understands. Dude has no fucking coherent policies

    11. whereegosdare84 on

      You’re telling me the man who went bankrupt trying to sell gambling, football and steak to Americans might not be the best businessman after all?

    12. UAreTheHippopotamus on

      Media tomorrow: “Wow, that was awful news and so unfair to Trump, let’s ask 20 of the least informed voters we can find which party is better for the economy and run that story next.”

    13. GloomyFondant526 on

      WaPo trying something new this week, I see. How very brave of them to slightly report on the concept of a the notion of a possible financial downside to the “Tariff Plan” that Trump shook loose from his diaper. Get ready for some more Pulitzers in 2025, you gutless WaPo cowards..

    14. Watch – if this bad stuff happens, the GOP will blame it on Democrats and wokeness and immigrants.

      I am joking, but not really. They already do that when their policies fail … and that’s exactly what they did to Biden after Trump’s combination of tax cuts, subsidies, and trade wars destabilized the economy even before COVID.

    15. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

      Trump’s entire plan is to sell his working class voters on ideas that sound like “American First!” that in reality will cost them more money while the rich see their fortunes grow even larger.

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