When even the feed is tired of your shit

    by MuthaFukinRick


    1. Wait did he really say we need a new air force one to cut government spending…. ngl I snort chuckled at that.

    2. “I bought a new Air Force one – it is great the best Air Force One the United States has – i haggled it down to 20 Million dollar and saved the taxpayer, you know this one day i ate this ice cream and it was so delicious, the best ice cream mc donalds has, so i saved the tax payer 50 million dollar – I’m a big business man!”

    3. KittyTheOne-215 on

      When Trump’s sycophants come out and say, “it’s the greatest ever,” they KNOW he was shitpaper.

    4. Lol, no it wasn’t you fucking moron. It’s hard to believe that you somehow think your pathetic attempt at being authoritarian is going to work. You’re a joke.

    5. Question: “what will you do to reduce government spend?”
      Trump’s brain: “what will I spend government money on? … a new plane”

    6. Putting aside the fact that he said he’d spend more iirc American currently has the best planes

    7. Ok-Exchange5756 on

      God he’s just so fucking dumb. I’m not saying this to mean him offense (I am) but for the verifiable fact that he’s just so dumb. He’s extremely stupid: not smart. A fucking idiot. I think that’s the entire point people should be pushing: how stupid he is. No one wants to be aligned with the stupid guy. Push this point to the ends of the earth. He’s stupid. VERY VERY STUPID. Case in point: a friend and I went out tonight to our local watering hole. A guy who’s a regular I guess, was ranting about how he loves Trump, but he’s believed by everyone at this particular establishment. Nice dude for the most part . He then went on to rant about how his mother dropped him on his head when he was an infant and how he’s has brain damage and how he’s slow and has a permanent dent in his head and can’t put thoughts together in any clear manner. Now I’m not faulting a guy with brain damage for not making the connection that’s so obvious to the rest of us… but also… I mean…not surprising that the guy with brain damage likes Trump. He asked us if we were voting for Trump to which he received an emphatic “no”. When he asked why we gave our very well thought out reasons to which his response was “I didn’t understand any of that but I’m voting Trump all the way!”
      So if anyone’s wondering why anyone they love might be a Trump voter, tonight I learned that a very probable reason is the following: BRAIN DAMAGE.

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