They’re going to start drinking lead paint, aren’t they.

    by DeathMagneto-soy


    1. Let Darwin do his job. That’s the current problem, the Dumbass gene has taken over and keeps getting passed.

    2. Lazy_Maintenance8063 on

      If they survived covid by drinking bleach they’re definitely going to beat the Man by galvanizing their body with lead.

    3. frenchanglophone on

      Yes! Conservatives everywhere, defy the socialists and devour lead at every opportunity!

    4. You know what she can have all the lead paint and pipes. Forget lead poisoning, massive health issues and infant deaths. Because those children are already born, and screw poor people who can’t afford to be sick for a day, why well they have to suffer for the “economy “. Here’s the thing that lead paint can’t protect you from any radiation because it’s too thin. Second I will bet dollars to doughnuts that this “lady” with her equipment doesn’t have any lead protection. Third being a snake oil salesman is big business so selling old paint is one way to make a profit. Finally forth the pro-lead group people if given the option to drink out of a lead cup they wouldn’t.

    5. I heard Donald Trump takes lead vitamins and supplements. That’s how he stays so sharp. The other politicians are trying to keep this secret from you.

    6. We just need to convince Trump it’s a cure for cancer and diabetes and the world will be a better place in no time!

    7. Please spread this far and wide! The problem will slowly resolve itself. Many absolutely will start using and consuming it. Own the libs!

    8. Separate-Owl369 on

      Fun fact…. Lead paint also had the ability to keep knowledge from soaking into your brain. The more you know or in this case, the more you don’t know.

    9. Evidently it was too late for poppin’ fresh, here, but not for thousands of other like him.

    10. This is why a always swaddle my baby in a sheet of lead. It’s quite malleable. Like an extra hard temperpedic

    11. Don’t these properties only apply to metallic lead? The paint uses lead oxide.

      I’m sure science told us lies, too. /s

    12. slimfastdieyoung on

      I wonder whether 88 refers to the the year AllBiteNoBark88 was born or something else

    13. They’re back to drinking raw milk, after pasteurizing saved millions of lives. They’ll be back to eating lead paint and breathing lead fumes if they could. Literal zombies eating themselves.

    14. Volinian_Visitor on

      Well, @AllBiteNoBark88, here are some supplement crayons to shove up your nose! Get your daily dose of thallium to effectively transform your body into a Faraday cage that can’t be penetrated by EMF.

    15. I’m a Dem and I believe this. I don’t know anyone who ate paint chips. But wireless wasn’t going to work with buildings and homes all wifi proof.

    16. sassychubzilla on

      Someone is trolling the alt right into harming themselves and they’re having a good time with it. How many drank/booted bleach and ate horse dewormer? How many deliberately exposed themselves and their kids to cov? And died? How many got docs to give them hydroxychloroquine? Refused the vaccines? Are drinking raw milk? Eating bad lunch meat? The list of stupid stuff keeps growing.

      It’s one of those funny-not-funny things. They’re literally killing themselves off to own the libs and it’s ridiculous.

    17. Independent-Ad3888 on

      Yeah, my grandmother had multiple siblings die from lead paint on cribs. Babies get to the age when they can gum on the edge, ingest lead paint, and die. These people can fuck all the way off.

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