Don’t recall the Teacher playing music for ‘Nap Time’

    by OtherwiseTackle5219


    1. My preschool had nap time. I never took naps so I hung out in the kitchen with the lunch ladies. Got the recipe for the absolute best carrot cake.

    2. I remember that when I was in kindergarten in the 80s. The teacher would let a different student pick a record(of kid songs) to play at naptime

    3. Nap time was the biggest sham ever, making me think midway through my day I’d get a nap n a milk box. Not one job has offered me this.

    4. kisela_lignjica on

      in my kindergarten they used to play narrated fairy tales during nap time. and we had beds. i never liked nap time and would mostly stare at the ceiling or play quietly, fast forward to now and i would kill for mandated mid day nap time lmao

    5. CraftFamiliar5243 on

      Naptime was quiet time. I now realize it was a way for the teacher to get a little break to regroup and a way to hit the reset button on a bunch of squirrely 6 year olds.

    6. I worked in a preschool. The teacher played slow instrumental versions of Disney tunes during nap time.

    7. I had nap time in kindergarten. We went full day when most schools still had half day kindergarten in the 90s. My teacher read to us. I don’t remember if it was the whole time or just the beginning but I do know she read us a lot of Boxcar Children books!

    8. ManyLintRollers on

      I don’t remember music during nap time. I was one of those kids who hated sleeping so it was pure torture having to lie down and be quiet for 20 minutes or however long it was.

      We had little foam mats; they were either harvest gold or burnt orange (it was the early ’70s and everything was harvest gold, burnt orange or avocado green). I remember I always wanted the burnt orange mat, because I hated the harvest gold color.

    9. strong_grey_hero on

      I remember they played a record that was cracked, it would start repeating, and they would have to come in halfway through to fix it.

    10. Elektrik_Man_077 on

      I remember record players like that. Most likely some classical music. We had nap time when I was in kindergarten way back in time (the 1960’s!). It was customary for each child to bring a blanket for nap time. The school might have provided mats too but I don’t remember. And, yes, the world was entirely black and white then. We were all glad at the start of the 70’s to transition to colour!

    11. I’ve never understood the obsession Americans have with naps.

      I grew up there from the ages 6-13 and not only was it kindergarten kids, but fully grown adults!

    12. Oh man I remember 2nd grade listening to AC/DC, Pink Floyd and similar for nap time. That teacher had a great taste in music. Taught me that music didn’t have to suck (evangelical household). This was in rural TN at that.

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