American homebuilders after every major hurricane

    by mooman555


    1. There’s generations of American culture implying you’re not a real adult until you own a house so that probably factors into the endless sprawl of quickly built mediocre homes, not really much that can be done about it. A good portion of Americans would much rather live in a whatever house than rent an apartment that could stand up to the wrath of god.

    2. If Koreans build their houses like their cars, their tires, their electronics, their appliances, or whatever other dog shit comes out of their country, I’m gonna pass, homie.

    3. How hurricane/flood proof are stone/brick houses? I don’t know, fortunately I don’t live in such a place.

      If they cannot survive a major hurricane (which I guess happens every few years?) much better than a cardboard house, why bother?

      Japan has a long tradition of wood houses with paper walls because they knew that a tsunami/earthquake would destroy them every once in a while.

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