Kamala Harris has agreed to her first-ever Fox News sit-down interview on Wednesday with Bret Baier

    by MoreMotivation


    1. This is going to make Trump look like even more of a coward for dodging the 60 minutes interview.

    2. heismanwinner82 on

      Trump is going to be pissed. He burned his last bridge with MSNBC when he made fun of Mika Joe, the current wife of Morning Joe.

    3. BlackMarketCheese on

      He’s going to start his all caps rants shortly, already claiming that Fox is giving her softball questions or whatever BS

    4. periphery72271 on

      Gotta say, this woman is confident enough to get in front of *anyone* and answer questions. Friendly, hostile, whatever, she’s down.

    5. Malicious_blu3 on

      This will be good. This will be HIS audience she’s speaking to. Not that it’ll change any minds, but Trump will think she can.

    6. I can see his post now “ Kamala, fake Dem nominee, going on unfair Bret Bear to lie to us…”

    7. I’m not surprised by this, being a good candidate, you accept the scrutiny that comes with the territory. An attempt to appeal to the opposition is better than one not taken, you may give them something to at least think about like a devil’s advocate.

    8. Be awesome if every answer she gives is just about him shitting his diapers and Fox has nothing else to air than that 🤣

    9. Trump could stay home until November, and it wouldn’t move the needle. However, Kamala keeps pushing the boundaries . I think the Republicans are in for a huge surprise in November.

    10. LargeMargeSentMeBoo on

      I hope she is brushing up on her answers with Pete Buttigieg. He owns Fox News every time he appears on that channel. 

    11. hotasianwfelover on

      Here come the “tough, hard hitting questions” 😂😂😂. “How are you controlling the weather?” Did President Trump win the 2020 election?” “Why do you allow immigrants to eat people’s pets?” And many more questions that Americans want answers to.

    12. Well, I don’t like FOX News, but there is the upside here that this is likely really pissing off the “both-sides” fetishists masquerading as political journalists at the NYT and WaPo.

    13. She’s playing this thing like an old college football rivalry. You don’t just play for a W, you hang a hundred on them and destroy everything they hold dear.

    14. Here’s a big thing I’ve learned about KH. NOTHING phases her. Zilch. Will eat this Fox guy for breakfast.

    15. Clearly the campaign feels confident in their message to go on Fox. They will try to hammer her on “inaction” on the border for the last 3 years, the “failing” economy, and not disagreeing with Biden.

    16. Munkeyman18290 on

      Take a shot every time Bret Baier interupts Harris before she can answer a question. Chug a beer if he alludes to Haitians eating domestic animals.

    17. I expect Fox to try to make her look bad. But Kamala will put on her lawyer hat and know how to work around that.

      This does put Trump on the spot for avoiding 60 Minutes.

    18. Good.

      I’m a proponent of these. Get her where FOX viewers will see her.

      She should do Joe Rogan, Hot Ones… heck even Ben Shapiro. Basically go everywhere, friendly or hostile. She can’t let Trump’s BS go unopposed. Even if they ask bad faith questions, she’ll still change a percentage of minds and have an opportunity to present her case. Biased as those shows are, the audience will still recognize if she’s been thrown a spitball.

    19. To reasonable people this will be a power move, but MAGA followers are no longer reasonable. And undecided voters, at this point it’s just laughable. Look at polling in the swing states. GA, PA, etc. it’s crazy it’s a coin flip.

    20. I can’t wait for Trump to finally call fox fake news, for the first time ever he will appropriately apply that title

    21. Not live? So how much editing does Fox aka Edward Scissorhands will cut from the interview?

    22. 4electricnomad on

      Gonna be a lot of people inside Fox News trying to whisper and *strongly suggest* “gotcha” questions to Baier before that interview.

    23. The interview will go as expected, she’s going to crush it and unless something really embarrassing happens you will not hear about it again after a week except some sound bites.

    24. I’m expecting it to be like Homers Rock Bottom interview. Edited so much for the broadcast you can see the clock in the background jumping all around.

    25. Be patient. Be poised. Be positive. Be the change we need and want. Deliver a clear message and make the choice obvious, even on FoxNews.

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