Land of the free

    by Henry-Teachersss8819


    1. US government monetary policy of inflation [ currency devaluation ], zoning laws, rent control, housing and environmental regulations working as designed

    2. Henry-Teachersss8819 on

      Remove yourself from the major cities and the wages stay the same, but housing costs drop by HUGE amounts.
      The further away from major cities, the lower the costs.
      Wages stay competitive.
      Me = 120 miles from major city
      22 miles from other city
      8 miles from town with fuel and very small grocery store
      Owning @ $736 per month = 4 bedroom 2 and 1/2 bath house
      147 acres = 3 ponds= One pond being apx. 3 acres down in a 3 sided valley that is as
      beautiful as a painting imagined of one.
      Second pond is 20 yards from the front of my house, apx. 2 acres, with the dam of pond being the only access road to property.
      Property’s pond’s are full of Bass and some crappie.
      I easily get by deer tags every year, right at home in the back yard.
      I garden, started canning and getting better.
      Could you afford this for $15 per hr.?

    3. HelenaHandkarte on

      As an Australian, what are these three states, please (I gather from comments one is Arkansas). Some one said no-one wants to live in them, why so?

    4. KittenMcnugget123 on

      One person making $15 an hour shouldn’t be getting a two bedroom. In general, why should the standard be a two bedroom for on person?

    5. greenbldedposer on

      You still really don’t want to live in Arkansas unless you enjoy having all of your rights stripped away.

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