Yep they’re totally cool with it

    by squarebiz


    1. I wish their fathers and grandfathers who fought and died to defeat the Nazis could see them now. I’m sure they’re rolling over in their graves, knowing that their offspring are denigrating our hard fought freedoms from Nazism. Had Hitler won, many of them wouldn’t be here, but of course don’t expect people with under 100 IQ to have any sense of history or how many millions of people died to defeat that scourge.

    2. There’s a saying in Germany–if one Nazi is setting at a table with 10 people, there are 11 Nazis at the table.

      Same goes for a boat parade.

      Not all Republicans are outright Nazis but all Nazis support the Republican party and as that isn’t a deal breaker for the rest that makes them Nazi adjacent at best. Another nondeal breaker is the fact that Trump routinely spouts Nazi and Naziesque things and reportedly has kept a book of Hitler’s speeches on his night stand for years.

      He has literally talked about mass deportations, putting certain groups of people into prison camps, locking up people who oppose him, firing experienced government and military leaders who are loyal to the country and the Constitution with people who are loyal only to him, and more, all things that Hitler and the Nazis did.

    3. My family/friends of the family would do that if I became famous just so the public talks shit about me. Unfortunately, Donald Trump and Eric Trump are really close, I think

    4. This is why education of history is important. People don’t understand the war or how many people died. Or why.

    5. Looks like he takes after his dad & is too cheap to pay for a bigger boat for all those people.

    6. These people are fucking disgusting. Shame on all of them, including those MAGA fat face believers/defenders.

    7. Black_White_Other on

      They are disgusting and stupid. You don’t put that many people on a boat and you need life jackets for the kids. Fuck Trump and his stupid family.

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