And that’s why, boys and girls, we have an electoral college.

    by Resident_Code3062


    1. ContactIcy3963 on

      Fun fact. Southern states were the one who wanted slaves to be counted towards the population of a state.

    2. Cold_World_9732 on

      ohh…aaahhhhh……Miss Information, I love you so much; we should keep this going.

    3. Resident_Influence91 on

      Fun fact the end of slavery was built in with the 3/5 comprosime. If the south wanted more representatives all they had to do was free their slaves. They wouldn’t need to vote to get the increase, because women and children were counted and they could not vote.

    4. bloodredcookie on

      The 3/5 compromise was literally the opposite of this. It was added to limit the power of the slave states who wanted to regard slaves as lesser people. (And Jefferson was not involved, but he did sign the legislation as president to end the importation of slaves.)

    5. – Jefferson had nothing to do with writing the Constitution. He was in France as ambassador then.
      – The 3/5 compromise was originally proposed by Madison and later formally proposed by James Wilson and Charles Pinckney.
      – The section of the Constitution it was in was about apportioning Representatives, not the EC.
      – The EC was about balancing small vs big states’ power, not slave vs free

    6. mehthisisawasteoftim on

      It’s ridiculous how they wanted to count people for representation who they knew couldn’t vote

      Anyone else remember when the government tried to add a citizenship question on the census so they could draw congressional districts based on the number of actual voters?

      Some things never change

    7. Yet another person who doesn’t see that the problem wasn’t that they were 2/5 less but that they were counted at all. It gave slaves nothing to be counted and gave those who benefited from slavery extra political power to endure it continued.

    8. Stay_Beautiful_ on

      The “free” states are the ones who wanted slaves to count as 0/5ths of a person btw

    9. BrandonKamalaRise on

      That wasn’t Thomas Jefferson. The three-fifths clause was negotiated between factions at a convention in Philadelphia while Jefferson was in France and uninvolved in the proceedings.

    10. Easy….. The “blacks aren’t people” loophole that old Americans believed. Some modern Americans still do….. morons.

    11. So this was because the NORTHERN states wanted to reduce the political power of the Southern States in Congress.

      You see, states get a number of representatives in the House based on their total population. So the Southern states said ‘hey we have HUGE populations if you count all our slaves, we’ll absolutely dominate US politics.’ The Northern states instead countered that if slaves don’t legally count as people in any normal sense, why should they count as people for the census? The Southern states pushed back, saying if slaves didn’t count toward their total population, they would break away and form their own country.

      The compromise between the two groups established slaves as 3/5 of a person when counting the census, designed to give Southern States slaves as part of their population census calculation, but limiting how much they actually could count so as to prevent the South from getting a wildly disproportionate amount of political influence. Even still, the next 50 someodd years will see the Southern states have such a massive political influence not only because they have all these extra seats in congress, but because the VOTERS that those congressmen are representing are far fewer (‘slave power’) – meaning a vote in the South has FAR more political power than a vote in the North.

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