For real, why

    by anaelle_dev


    1. Trump saying weird and incoherent shit is not news because he has done that constantly since the beginning.

    2. Far-Season-695 on

      It’s cuz trump brings ratings. Journalism is all about money now so you need a hook and nothing is better sadly than that orange buffoon

    3. EcstaticHelicopter on

      Dude is suffering from dementia, has a syphilis ridden brain, suffers from either a heavy coke or aderal addiction, shits himself pretty much regularly, is a failed businessman, a sex trafficking, pedo rapist who is running for president. Why isn’t this the banner under his blathering, empty head every time he’s shitting himself on live TV?

    4. thefruitsofzellman on

      Because his supporters don’t care, his opponents already know, and undecideds don’t read the news.

    5. ElectricalRush1878 on

      Because the media is owned by the same old, rich, white guys that own everything else and *want* to demolish democracy because they think it’ll make them a few bucks.

    6. Because, politicians other than Trump, get held accountable by their supporters. Not Trump. Trump can do whatever he wants and their love and support for him is unwavering.

      So why bother? If a team of doctors declare Trump mentally and physically unfit, he wouldn’t loose many votes. At this point Vance can pull off a Weekend at Bernies’ and it wouldn’t matter.

    7. For fear of being called out as unobjective.

      Which is true, but not for the reason they think it is.

    8. Because the stupid see him as a proxy for themselves. They think cause he says everything they want to hear and nothing that they really need to hear he must be right.

      It’s abysmally stupid that anyone would regard someone like Trump as “representative of the working man.” when he’s exactly the kind of person who tries to push the working man down for every cent of profit he can make off of them.

      The closest I can figure is it’s because he doesn’t have the mentality of a successful businessman. He has the mentality of one who failed a lot then got lucky without realizing just how lucky he got.

    9. It isn’t off limits. YOu regularly have reports on main stream media like “Group of mental health professionals aggress Trump meats all criteria for Megalomania and narcissism” And then those stories get no traction at all.

      Why do those stories get no traction? Because the liberals all see it plain as day and the people on the right are so far in defense mode that they will deny it or they know it and just do not care.

      Running a story about trumps mental health issues is like running a story about the earth being round. Normal people do not want to here it and flat earthers will not here it.

    10. trump keeps **sharting** himself audibly during events and meetings. It was reported that after he’d wake up from sleeping during his trial, the first thing he did was shit himself.

      Apparently, this isn’t even new. Adam Kinzinger had described the stench of his shit filled diaper like this “So, if you take, like, armpits, ketchup, makeup and a little butt, it’s probably like that, all mixed up.” 

      Also on the Meidas Touch network, they’ve been reporting about how he was shitting himself on the set of the Apprentice constantly. They had one of the producers talking about how he had to be wiped down and how he would make the stage hands eye’s water from the stench. Its worth watching.

      [Trump Health Issues RESURFACE after Potential PUBLIC SOILING?! (](

      By the way, the weirdo doctor he was going to…who’s office he raided for his medical records….the guy was a gastroenterologist. trump got his records because it showed that he had incontinence from all the drugs he did.

      This guy is not just having major cognitive decline on top of his raging mental illness/personality disorder….he’s straight up **SHITTING HIMSELF** with world leader’s around….and its being ignored. Imagine if Biden or Harris were just audibly unloading into a diaper in the middle of a rally. WTF?!? We’d never hear the end of it.

      trump is a trojan horse for violent fascists to infiltrate our government. They all know he’s unfit and severely increasingly mentally and physically unwell. In fact, they’re counting on it.

    11. mildlysceptical22 on

      The corporations that run mainstream media are now owned by people who want a puppet in the White House who will do anything for the attention of rich and powerful men. Reducing corporate taxes and regulations are their goals and the Orange Toad will do that for them and himself, of course.

    12. It’s not. He’s perfectly of sound body and mind. Just because you want it to be one way doesn’t make it so.

    13. Additional_Ear_9659 on

      Yes! We can all see he’s unhealthy both mentally and physically. MAGA wants to protect their messiah like he’s going to live forever. But I give him 10 tops. Maybe less. Hopefully less.

    14. Dude doesn’t have control of his bowels anymore. It’s gross. It’s nasty. It also says something about the state of his health.

    15. Putin wants to rule the world and it seems Americans are as gullible and stupid as everyone else.

    16. Professional_Luck616 on

      Maybe it’s because of the interminable heap of shit he produces is too much for them to keep up with without seeming overtly biased against him and they’re walking on eggshells because of it.

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