Sorry, this is unbecoming of someone seeking the nation’s highest office

    by Giants4Truth


    1. So talking about his pooping himself is way over the line? Nice to know where he thinks the line should be drawn.

    2. Donald it’s alright, everyone poops themselves at many points throughout their lives from baby to elder adult.

    3. BannedAgainDude on

      When you hear him on the phone with Leon and he didn’t have his teeth in, he sounded like he was pooping.

    4. I don’t know if this says more about me or our current political situation, but I had to look it up to see if it was fact smh

    5. Guys, I am NOT going to vote for a woman because SHE’LL BE MOODY ON HER PERIODS!!!! We need a logical leader who won’t be letting their emotions get in the way of their judgment, that’s why I am voting TRUMP 2024! *insert eagle emoji* *insert eagle emoji* *insert eagle emoji* *insert eagle emoji* *insert eagle emoji*

    6. It would be weird if he didn’t send an all caps tweet about how he doesn’t poop himself.

    7. It’s pretty sad that I literally have no idea whether this is real or not. I mean, even if it isn’t, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was. Kind of like Vance fucking the couch. I know it’s not true (at least that he admitted it), but he definitely seems like the kind of weirdo who would.

    8. SnooStrawberries3391 on

      If you have to deny it, you’re pooping yourself.

      Hope he plays that song by Lynyrd Skynyrd… What’s That Smell? at his next rally. Would add to the ambiance!

    9. My wife watched a 2 year old over the summer part time. She also liked to scream about how she hadn’t shit herself when she obviously had.

    10. Now?? Didn’t he wonder why people have been turning up to his rallies in solidarity diapers for quite some time lol? His own supporters have been saying it too.

    11. Born_Tough9567 on

      Unbecoming?: like “theyre eating the dawgs, theyre eating the cats…” or maybe ” I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” said the demented criminally insane POS..

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