The Impetus kid 3rd Party Jill Stein’s Candidacy

    by Murphy-Brock


    1. cathysampson69 on

      Yeah, if you keep running the same candidate for your party over and over again without them gaining any ground year after year…. It’s obviously not about anything good for our country or the planet. At this point, a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump and Putin.

    2. This is a non photoshopped photo of Michael Flynn (upper far left) and 2024 3rd party candidate Jill Stein (foreground) attending a Russian gala in 2015 with Vladimir Putin (center).

      Stein’s candidacy pulled approx. 280,000 votes from Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College by strategically targeting specific regions across 3 states. Although Clinton won the Popular vote by 3 million votes it was Stein’s candidacy that robbed her of the necessary Electoral votes.

      Stein is now running in the 2024 election as (once again) a third party candidate targeting areas that won’t win her the Presidency, but could cause a Harris Electoral defeat and another Trump victory.

      Question: Why would a candidate (non office holding) for the American Presidency be dining at a gala with Vladimir Putin?

    3. JuicyGlowCharm on

      Spite because of her belief that the Democrats betrayed her previously

      Just pure spite

    4. The famously more radical left green party is now the enemy. Democrats are coping so hard right now.

    5. I find it interesting people are so quick to jump down the very small amount of Green voters throats when there was a massive swath of like 40% non-voters above the age of 18 in the last election. At least they have principles.

    6. UnexpectedStreetTaco on

      There needs to be a wide spread investigation of not just US politicians with connections to Russia, but Republicans use of third party candidates to win elections.

    7. Isn’t the whole reason she’s getting so much support because Biden, Harris, and almost every democrat sucks Netanyahu’s(war criminal) toes and don’t give a damn about Palestine? What’s the difference between this photo and one with Biden saying he’s a Zionist or Kamala at a table with him or shaking his hand?

    8. Can we please stop this nonsense of the Green Party “stealing” votes from Democrats? They aren’t owed anything.

    9. No clue why she went. If you’re curious maybe write her a formal letter and see if she answers.

    10. Glittering-Path-2824 on

      How is Jill Stein, a pure charlatan allowed to operate with such impunity? She’s a worthless plant (haha green party pun). It’s infuriating

    11. ashy_larrys_elbow on

      Run a batter candidate and Jill Stein won’t be a problem. The risk of her splitting the democratic vote is a symptom of the inadequacies of the Democratic Party rather than some magical allure of the Greens.

    12. She is pure garbage. I used to connect with some of the Green party’s ideology. But now they’ve lost me for life. Anyone willing to put our country in the position she is promoting is total trash. It’s hard for me to see how people around her are tolerating it. Also, what does Ralph Nader say about all of this?

    13. Zenmai__Superbus on

      If you guys had some kind of proportional representation instead of your pathetically outdated electoral system, a 3rd party might make sense. But you don’t, so stop fucking around will you? Get that orange cunt out of the picture!

    14. CheedoTheFragile on

      Too lazy to post with any context at all? There is a very clear interview on Democracy Now about this. Try and be more responsible with your posts and not just engage in conspiracy and misinformation like the Republicans.

    15. GuestCartographer on

      Third parties will never be taken seriously in American politics thanks to grifters like Stein and RFK Jr.

    16. Man, if you consider how to destabilize a nation… funding 3rd parties that pull votes from the major party that’s stable is first on the list. I don’t even know why you’d do much of anything else.

    17. Her surrogates are saying the quiet part out loud, [they want Trump to win](

      >“We are not in a position to win the white house,” Green Party surrogate Kshama Sawant [declared]( on Monday, “but we do have a real opportunity to win something historic. We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan. [The crowd cheers.] And the polls show that most likely Harris cannot win the election without Michigan.”

    18. Hopefully we will have a revolution in this country and A LOT of people like her will be investigated for sedition/treason/Accomplish Liability and if there is sufficient evidence, they should be sent to a federal prison. I’m so tired of having to pretend these people aren’t working with foreign governments to purposely harm the US.

    19. Looks like the DNC’s operatives are out in force with the panic-induced astroturfing now that they’ve realized they’re 30 days out from the election, the swing states are looking iffy, and no one is buying their defense of genocide any longer. 

      Good luck continuing to justify an administration actively dismantling human rights, international law, the Geneva convention, and any semblance of authority it has remaining. Keep shaming people for being unable to vote for those committing genocide, the vilest crime our species is capable of committing. 

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