Last one is just a bonus from another post. She called me "certainly delusional."

    by KipBoutaDip


    1. Why shouldn’t non-citizen aliens get disaster aid? Millions of non-citizens are here legally working, paying taxes, parenting citizen children, and in some cases owning homes in areas affected by disasters. These people crying about this on Facebook are weird.

    2. JoneshExMachina on

      I am wondering where the insults she claims you said are. If she is offended by facts, she seems like she is rather thinskinned, I believe there is a word for that… ”snowflake”.

      Like, I ain’t religious at all but the love thy neighbor bits of the bible are the best parts of it. Such a shame so many so called christians read the bible like the Devil himself does.

    3. Mysterious_Item_8789 on

      Non-citizen aliens aren’t even in the country illegally, necessarily. They’re just not naturalized (yet, in many cases).

      They pay taxes. They contribute to society. They’re also fucking PEOPLE, even if absolutely here against immigration law. They’re more of a person than your great aunt, regardless.

      Fucking hell.

    4. Another wedge-issue post and FEMA propaganda from somebody who just joined Reddit a few months ago. Thanks komrade. Smh

    5. Th3TruthIs0utTh3r3 on

      Non Citizen Aliens is the fear mongering way of saying Immigrants who are here legally.

    6. ParticularAd8919 on

      I’ve had these sorts of arguments off and on with right-wing relatives just like this over the years. The age thing was one of the worst fing things they would ever say in these situations. Being old does not mean you know more or know better. Even if you leave out formal education or not interacting with people from outside your race or culture or politics, plenty of older folks have extremely fucked lives and don’t have the right to just “be right, or be correct.” just because they’re your elder.

    7. abgry_krakow87 on

      What’s a fun response is to start quoting scripture to the christians. If they want to push the bible on others, then we need to start pushing it back.

    8. I remember seeing a really good tiktok that pointed out that if we had another baby boom the response wouldn’t be to tell people to stop having kids, it would be to build more infrastructure to make it so they can live in the country. Something that will help them and the economy.

      If you wouldn’t make the same point towards having too many babies the concern is just racism.

    9. LookinAtTheFjord on

      There’s a really great and easy way to fix this.

      Cut them out of your life completely.

    10. My mom would have gotten a text asking if she wanted me to start bullying her on Facebook instead.

    11. LoveBabesCarsPoems on

      IMO, one cannot proclaim to be a Christian and also support Trump. Or, Christian and a racist. It is a lie. Their “Christianity” is a performance.

    12. Taskmaster_Fanatic on

      Bullying never has a place. Be better than that… (or just use a different word) 😉

    13. There are legal imigrants here.

      No wonder Trump is readying to deport or jail all imigrants unless they pay millions to Trump

    14. ohmygodyouguyzzz on

      When you grow up you’ll see how insignificant it is to argue with your own family over politics.

    15. ScoobyDooItInTheButt on

      The relatives always come out of the woodwork to tell you how bad you are just because you’re willing to tell the old people in your lives that they are wrong. Something they should have done a long time ago.

    16. Past-Direction9145 on

      I’d argue op still lost out because that’s a toxic conversation with toxic people. They can walk away feeling like they’re amused or didn’t care about the outcome, they still interacted with toxic people on a one on one basis 100% more than I did that day.

    17. Thats-what-I-do on

      There’s plenty we don’t know what Jesus would do, but in this case we do. He preached about it – the Good Samaritan was exactly on this point!

      Luke 10:25-37

    18. On top of the inhumantiy of considering illegal immigrants as subhuman, the category of “non-citizen aliens” also includes tourists, business travelers, international students, and many more people in the country legally.

    19. timeforachange2day on

      Ufff! I feel for you. I’m not religious but I am 100% for helping out my neighbors no matter race, gender, religion, party affiliation….whatever! I can’t imagine being at odds with a family member like this.

      She was also pretty quick to say you were insulting her but unless I am completely oblivious, I believe she was the one who was doing the insulting. I would have almost thought she was the 22 year old with the tone of her writing. (I actually chucked out loud over the “missy.”)

    20. Foxy_locksy1704 on

      I’m Christian and these are the types that make my skin crawl, Jesus told us to love our neighbors and to be charitable. He didn’t put stipulations or qualifiers on that.

      Op you did a good job with shutting her down. I say this as a person in their 40s who went to religious schools (strong faith, not “liberal” education according to her standards) so don’t let her tell you that your age equals ignorance and that your stance equals being weak in your faith.

      You are living and thinking in a far more Christian like way than she is.

    21. Station111111111 on

      So in one picture you want peer reviewed links and in another you happily just accept a Christian god? Ok.

      Of course I agree everyone should get help.

    22. I’ll share a phrase I learned on Reddit, “There’s no hate like Christian love.”

    23. Username_Redacted-0 on

      I say keep up the good work… fuck ’em… lol… it’s funny how the radical xenophobic hate mongers are the most easily upset or offended and throw the loudest tantrums…

    24. I’d like to set the record straight here: You are not bullying your aunt. I say, keep at it!

    25. MiningTurtle95 on

      There’s no hate like Christian love. But seriously they preach about God every second but yet do what he despises

    26. Good on you!!!!

      It’s sad that americans think like this when they (except the indigenous Indians) were illegal aliens once…..

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