I guess we’re at this point…

    by Usual_Competition_49


    1. The biblical character Jesus believed in helping people like immigrants and the poor. Christian voters should ask themselves which party’s policies reflect these sort of values.

    2. I was curious so I went to the site

      “Statement of Jesus Christ Regarding the Trump Assassination Attempt”

      Is the first thing that greets you and it is filled with the conspiratorial ramblings that you would expect, as well as the authors belief that Obama has instructed CIA operatives (code named Librarians) to eliminate them

    3. considering the way the evangelical act and behave I think it’s safe to say Jesus has lost the dressing room and the team is under a new manager

    4. Jesus wasn’t even an American citizen

      …what do you mean, that’s not what they’re on about?

    5. Stay_At_Home_Cat_Dad on

      Best “Jesus” billboard I ever saw said “Jesus is coming. Look busy.” I don’t know if it was supposed to be serious, or not, but I thought it was funny.

    6. Jesus Christ cannot legally run for President as he was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth, at the time part of the Roman Empire, thus technically making him a citizen of either modern-day Italy or Turkey (depending on if you count the Western Roman Empire or the Eastern Roman / Byzantine Empire as the successor; the former became Italy, the latter became Turkey).

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