Earning The Right To Live.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. But you do have to earn the right to live. That’s just the natural world. Without society if you sit on your ass you die. With society if you sit on your ass and live you’re forcing someone else to earn your right to live for you.

    2. I think ideas about this are fundamental parts of how people understand the world, each other, society, and are pretty complicated.

      Every part of that statement needs to be examined to see what it means to every individual. For example, what does “deserve” or “default” mean? Would it mean something different away from the context of “earning,” whatever that means to you?

      I am a strong believer that a big point of advanced civilization is to let people have their very basic needs met without their doing anything at all, by circumstance or even by choice. That’s just me and my feeling. It’s a hot button issue.

      In this world

      even butterflies

      must earn their keep.

      — Kobayashi Issa

    3. No, it means, by default, you don’t deserve to force other people to do everything for you.

    4. Taskmaster_Fanatic on

      You don’t have a right to live. Because abortion is a thing. You only have the right to live, after you’re alive and not a second sooner.

      You don’t have a right to an easy life though. And in some countries you don’t have any rights depending on who you are. The worlds fucked up man

    5. No it doesn’t. A living is just shorthand for the life you want to lead. I’m tired of people carving up these turn of phrase things into something they’re not and then acting like they gripped the beating heart of societal oppression and gave it a yank. Just stop.

    6. No it doesn’t! It means that no one should expect to have everything handed to them. You actually need to do stuff

    7. Worried-Pick4848 on

      We don’t. Our existence has a cost to the planet, and to society. Expecting people to justify or offset that cost *if possible* isn’t unreasonable. It helps society take the strain of the ones who just can’t possibly do so.

    8. I mean, saying anybody “deserves” anything means that life “owes” you good things. The only things that life truly owes you are universal experiences of pain and death.

    9. The reality is that somebody else decides to bring us into this world and at some point tells us to support ourselves, whether we like it or not. Forcing rape victims to give birth makes this even more painful for both mothers and children.

    10. So where is the food coming from? Who is building the shelter? Who is providing the infrastructure? Where are any of the things you take for granted coming from? Guess what? All the people thanklessly grinding away every day to make your life so easy don’t want to go to work, either. But they still get up every day and do it because it needs to be done.

      If everyone had the option to live a simple life of leisure devoid of any responsibility or labor, absolutely nothing would be getting done, and we would all be dead. In any functional society, everyone has an obligation to contribute to the greater good according to their abilities.

      There are plenty of ways we could improve the world, but allowing people to opt out of responsibility due to laziness is certainly not one of them.

    11. Fine, you “deserve” to be alive even though you’ve died of hunger due to failure to “earn a living”.

    12. Or it means the world doesn’t owe you a goddamn thing. If you want a life, you have to work for it.

      I’m disappointed I feel a need to point this out.

    13. slimeyamerican on

      You do deserve to be alive.

      You just don’t deserve to be alive more than anybody else. And if nobody earns a living, then nobody gets to live. That’s not morality, it’s physics.

      So, yes, you have to earn a living if you have the means to do so, unless you think you’re better than everybody else, in which case you presumably don’t need anybody else’s help.

    14. Interesting-Meat-835 on

      Very unpopular take:

      Gods gave no one the right to live. The universe owed mankind nothing, and would not care at all if mankind was gone. We could live and help each other live, or not and went extinct together.

      The right to live should be given by the society. And a society failed to deliver the right to live was a failed society.

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