Wait what

    by MajorDiscussion3492


    1. Dammit! I keep all of my banking and credit information on my dick. It’s also where I keep my tax records and medical history.

    2. Factsaretheonlytruth on

      Post on X and Truth Social so Trump will tell his cult to beware at his next Nazi rally. Wouldn’t it be funny if it became a new conspiracy theory and they stoped using public toilets.

    3. This was def a fear I had when I was little, good to know there’s a target audience with the critical thinking of a 5 year old

    4. jackliquidcourage on

      I was a kid when I started seeing these in public bathrooms and I genuinely thought someone was watching me poop to know when to flush.

    5. They are going to need more storage space. There is a monster cock fixing to unzip in a few minutes!

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