The New York Times is … wait … what?

    by DeathMagneto-soy


    1. Lol. The more logical connection, Hen, is that the country carpet bombing the other country is more likely to have inflicted the gunshot wounds. However, you need to have basic critical thinking skills and not have your lips firmly pressed against Netanyahu’s ass to understand that.

    2. The equally probable explanation that they shot their own children, yes, that’s definitely “equally probable”.

    3. So let me get this straight because they simply reported that kids had bullet holes in them and decided not to make a point which side did it, they are anti-semetic?. Also does he not realize that this tweet shoots himself in the foot as he indirectly admits that the most likely culprits of this, unless otherwise stated, would be the IDF?

    4. It’s antisemitism if you don’t create some kind of hypothetical scenario where your “bad guys” did it instead of you? That just sounds like you want them to make propaganda that paints your baby killing in a light where it’s not your fault.

    5. People often accuse MAGAites to be the most out of touch with reality… I would say that Israelis and their sympathisers rival them in that regard. Only difference is, it’s much easier for people like Hen Mazzig to be taken seriously by the media

    6. I am more surprised there are still doctors in Gaza, considering how Israel is burning down any hospital they can find

    7. The fourth and fifth words in this tweet describe the article as an “opinion piece” and the penultimate sentence ends with “journalism” … so which is it, Hen?

      Also, the opinion piece doesn’t assign culpability to anyone. So it’s neutral from that perspective already.

      Edit: as a freelance journalist myself, I contend that “opinion journalism” is mislabelled. It’s closely related and does have a place in news media to help lend perspective or context to journalistic reporting. It should always be labelled though as opinion and should avoid using the term “journalism”.

    8. This is ” the dog ate my homework, my notes, destroyed my hard drive and sent you a photo of my penis yesterday at 2AM. sir.” level of making up excuses.

    9. An NBC reporter was playing soccer with four Palestinian boys on an otherwise empty Gaza beach. He then turned away to talk to some other reporters, and witnessed all four boys killed by two missiles from Israel. The first missile killed one. Then the targeting was adjusted, and the second killed the last three. He wasn’t the only international reporter to witness this. He reported exactly what he’d witnessed.

      Yet he was deemed to be too pro Palestinian and was pulled from the network. He merely reported what he saw – innocent children targeted and killed.

      Why are we so willfully blind?

    10. This tweet is beyond stupid; the Times story “omission” has literally (as in nothing at all in any reality) to do with “antisemitism” .

    11. Competitive-Yard-442 on

      How do we know that these “children” were even children? Or that the “billet wounds” were even from bullets. It’s equally possible that they were all dwarf actors planed by a combined CIA, FBI, NATO, UN, NASA, GTA, NAACP, GLAAD, KGB, SAG and WWE taskforce to indicate people into….something!!!!!!

    12. More Jewish exceptionalism. Always the victim in every situation, yet almost exclusively white, rich and straight. I’ve never seen another minority be able to convince the world they are victims while also being part of the ruling class. Wierd.

      Edit (actually the thin blue line police types are the closest example can find of the oppressors convincing people they are the oppressed)

    13. TheEvilOfTwoLessers on

      The first sentence says it’s an opinion piece. By definition that makes it different than fact based journalism. But in this case we have THOUSANDS of dead children to back up these claims. If calling out the crimes of the murder of thousands of children makes you antisemitic, then I guess I’m antisemitic now, along with thousands, maybe millions, of Jews worldwide who are also protesting these atrocities.

    14. Altruistic_Machine91 on

      Find it kind of ironic that Zionists today have the same hate for the NYT as the antisemites did when Arthur Hays Sulzberger ran it.

    15. APirateAndAJedi on

      You know, back in the day, reporting only the facts you could attest to or directly confirm without drawing any conclusions from or making any assumption from them was considered excellent journalism.

      Now, these facts suggest something this guy doesn’t like and he’d rather the journalist point to what it looks like to deny it? “We found bullet holes in kids. No reason to believe it was definitely the IDF though”

      Like, why? Stick to the facts. Had this journalist seen IDF shoot kids, this dude would probably have said “we don’t know that this wasn’t Hamas wearing IDF gear though”

    16. There’s some serious mental gymnastics going on here to play victim. Has this bellend not seen all the evidence of the Israelis killing kids and indiscriminately bombing hospitals? And no, I don’t think Hamas or Hezbollah are good guys, just that neither is Israel.

    17. HumanMycologist5795 on

      Had no idea who this guy was, so I looked him up. He’s a piece of work and could be labeled as extreme. He’s yet another person who may have followers but ought to be disregarded but not ignored.

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