This is a bug called “cochineal” that people unknowingly eat nearly everyday. This bug is often used in food as a red dye. You might find it in the ingredients of candy – like Nerds Gummy Clusters, and even cosmetics under the name “carmine color”.

    by TotherCanvas249


    1. Pretty much the entire processed food chain contains at least some insect material. There are actually regulations governing the maximum percentage allowed.

    2. Latter_Solution673 on

      Don’t they teach this at school in your country? Just curious about this. In Spain they teach the 5-6th graders to understand the nutrition tags and ingredient data like this

    3. Calling them “parasitic insects” in that slow raspy dramatic cadence seems unnecessary since like, it’s not exactly harmful. We’ve been using bugs for dyes for fucking yonks.

      You can actually ingest bugs, it’s, not really a big deal. 🤷‍♂️

    4. In italy we have one of our most famous desserts that’s called “zuppa inglese” and translate exactly in”british soup” (but still amazingly has no connection with british food) and it’s made with a spririt we just use for food preparing and its bright red, made with this Cochineal insect

    5. DisappointedBird on

      Any candy or pill that is is shiny is so because of shellac, which consists of the secretions of the female lac bug.

      The same stuff is traditionally used as wood finish.

    6. We use em to colour our eggs for Easter. One person gets the job to rub em to bits with a mortar. We generally use only natural colours. The eggs look beautiful in the end.

    7. What a big lie from Food Industrie ! There are inumerous cases against world leading food industries— because Labels on any kind of their food guarantees a 100% vegan product

    8. There’s a really interesting book about the discovery of cochineal and its use as dye – it’s called *The Perfect Red*.

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