Dont be stupid….vote Democrat

    by ChewyRib


    1. Copernicus_Brahe on

      Republicans spend like there’s no tomorrow when in office, when they’re out of office, they complain that Democrats aren’t fixing the problems -and deficits, they left them fast enough.

    2. Do we need to have a history lesson for why we’re focusing on the time period after 1961? We all know.. right? I personally think the focus should be more after 1968.. but that’s just me.

    3. IntellegentIdiot on

      There used to be a frequently posted chart of the debt/surplus under each president. Clinton, for example, left office with a huge surplus after inheriting a debt and that was squandered

    4. mockingbirddude on

      The economy does better under and because of Democrats. Period. That’s a fact. Look it up if you don’t believe it. The reason isn’t well understood, but it might simply be that Democrats tend to raise the standard of living of the middle and lower classes – who then energize the economy by buying products. Republicans tend to do things that favor the wealthy, who gain wealth by purchasing and breaking up companies, laying people off and consolidating more wealth. We’ve seen this over and over and over again. I’ll never fathom how it is that the American public would think Republicans are better for the economy and the welfare of the middle and lower classes than Democrats are.

      Look: I believe that we need healthy progressive and conservative parties so that America can be governed from the middle, but the conservative party right now – the GOP – is not healthy. It has a cancer – the Tea Party and Trumpism – that is killing America and turning it into a Russia-style kleptocracy with cynical and unhappy citizens. We need to cut out that cancer by voting every Republican out of office.

    5. I know if i share ill be asked for the sources on these. Does anyonr have leads or sources on these specifics before I go diving?

    6. They’re looking to bankrupt the country on one end, and then “Oh noes, now we have to pay for it by cutting social services”. That’s their whole stupid game.

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