This is blowing my mind

    by PoisonEmma


    1. Not accurate (again as on this sub).

      As far as I’m aware, Romans didn’t use specific years. They would actually mark the year based on which ruler or consul was in power. Also, often they would divide it based on taxing period. Since taxing periods were 15 years, they would say something like “3rd tax year of Consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus (Googling showed that he was consul on 50 BC)”.

      Something like that.

    2. SuitZestyclose4483 on

      According to the bible the christ was known by the jews before his arrival so your post sucks

    3. What’s with the recent influx of Facebook-level unfunny “memes” that aren’t even historically accurate on this sub?

    4. TransLunarTrekkie on

      Hey! What year is it?


      BC or AD?

      “The hell are those?”

      …I’m in the fucking past.

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