I’m sure the people of Detroit love hearing there city sucks.

    by DevelopmentSad3095


    1. Guarantee no one at that event actually lives in Detroit so they’re definitely loving hearing that

    2. Anne_Nonymouse on

      I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t even know he was in Detroit. 😒

      The man is most likely demented.

    3. Considering Detroit is in a decades long (albeit, slow) rebound… maybe that’s a good thing.

    4. Surprised that Trump got out of there alive. Last I knew, Detroit folks are not wimps.

      If I was there I would have, at a minimum, thrown my shoe at him (and I’m not even from Detroit).

    5. I think he was talking to one of the white moneyed groups in the city (or better yet, outside the city), who agree with him the city is a hellhole.

    6. I grew up in Detroit in the 90’s and early 2000s. City sucked but what sucked worse was the people. Glad I moved out of that shit hole. Most people who defend the city during those times and maybe even over the last decade either never lived there or never left. Mike Ilitch was a good force though. 

    7. Both_Abrocoma_1944 on

      Trumps base is mostly more rural than the dems so there probably weren’t many from a democrat stronghold

    8. HomeOrificeSupplies on

      “Do you want the whole country to suck ass as much as you do? Well, DO YA?!!!”

    9. As someone who’s lived in metro Detroit for a lot of my life, I’ve heard hatred towards my city from a lot of people, especially touring bands that come in. It’s sad because they just must be hanging out in bad areas, cuz the vast majority of Detroit and metro Detroit is incredible. But hey that’s okay, I’d rather people think out sucks here than think it’s Los Angeles (which actually sucks) and get over populated

    10. You’d think everyone in the USA would be tired of Trump constantly gaslighting his own country. Sure, we have our problems, and to point them out isnt always bad, but negatively speaking about our country as a cudgel every single damn day (with the reminder that it’ll only get better with him in charge) is just utter BS to non supporters and further brainwashing to his faithful.

      He had his 4 years and he accomplished getting people killed with a lax approach to Covid, giving away afghanistan with a weak and hasty peace agreement, fucking up our courts and our postal system, and generally continuing his cash grab while in office.

      I just dont understand why people want to follow this fool into democracy’s demise.

    11. Big-Fondant-4419 on

      Speaking to the rich, white people from the suburbs around Detroit about how awful the Detroit (read inner city (read black)) people are is very on brand for tfg.

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