What I thought of when i saw the Vice President Debate (for millennials >.<)

    by dyresrose


    1. FreddyForshadowing on

      Imagine being a grown ass man throwing a tantrum on TV because someone called you out on something you knew was bullshit to begin with. I guess it is still marginally better than his boss who has epic hissy fits on his Twitter wannabe platform. His recent meltdowns over 60 Minutes have been classic. I’m just sorry George Carlin died before he had a chance to turn this into some real comedy gold for the ages in an HBO special.

      And just imagine how bruising it must be to Trump’s ego to not only be losing a second time… in a row… but losing to a woman… a non-white woman at that. Could there be a worse fate for an old misogynistic and racist coot with a narcissistic personality? I just hope Harris wins in an epic landslide. The biggest landslide in US electoral history so that the “You’re fired” message is resounding. Then we can all look forward to the day Trump either dies of the massive coronary he’s long overdue for, or is fitted for an orange jumpsuit and gets to meet his new cellmate, Bubba. Maybe they even happen on the same day, though I personally hope he has to spend at least a couple years behind bars before dying in some prison medical ward.

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