Simpler times..

    by billibillibillendar


    1. Fuzzy_Promotion_3316 on

      That is NOT where I typed my papers! I can’t imagine many of our computer labs looked that way.

      But yes, everything else, spot on.

    2. Born in 85. That’s my childhood. The kid on the big desk looked just like mysetup. I had to do a double take to make sure it won’t me haha. I’ll be 40 next year. Take me back to when my bones didn’t ache!

    3. Blackrotofthekosm on

      Please I want to be in that area fuck this modern era, idc if there was less anything it was such a fun time.

    4. “The pinnacle of human existence and when I personally wasn’t old are the same place” said no out-of-touch podcast enthusiast ever.

    5. YogaMoonlitLadyxo on

      I took not being filmed at all times for granted as a kid. I was cringe af but god am I glad phones weren’t around all the time to capture it. I can’t imagine how awful it is for kids these days to be filmed and posted online from the minute of birth, and some being the main source of content production for their parents.

    6. Watched this on IG last night at least 10 times. Damn dude… we really did have it all. Seems surreal that the kids that came behind us will never know what it was like to have such freedom…

    7. God_Bless_A_Merkin on

      “When our phone died there was no way to get hold of us” — Gen-X laughs in Scoffish 😂

    8. I would legit give up my left pinky to go back to the 90’s and early 2000’s. The time before social media and phones was golden!

    9. I think it’s better now in many aspects, there is a lot more ease of access to information for one, a doubled- edged-sword with social media and other perils, but overall a great benefit.

      We just need to teach our kids to enjoy a more natural way of life.

    10. Learning-Power on

      Remember when public spaces were weirdly still private because there weren’t cameras everywhere, on every person, waiting to film any minor interesting act of deviance and non-conformity to post it online?

    11. half of these are stolen from gen x kids 😒
      – you have freedom without being recorded
      – you didnt have social media
      – you came home when the streetlights came on

    12. Dear_Mycologist_1696 on

      Hey millennials, let’s all remember that we just miss being young, and we miss the world we were young in. Let’s not turn into boomers and actually think everything was better back then. Some stuff was, a lot was not.

    13. CaptainNismo_orig on

      In retrospect the disposal cameras were not a good thing. Everything else is awesome! I can go one step further though. I was a teen in the late 90’s so I didn’t even have a cell phone. Hours of freedom! (Although a cell would have been nice that one time I dislocated my knee cap and broke the front wheel on my BMX Street/Jump bike that I had just finished building for 2 years. I had to drag myself to the gas station and call my parents collect from a pay phone. That didn’t feel like freedom, lol)

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