To know your audience..

    by Mr__O__


    1. We’re going to pretend the people living in Detroit don’t know Detroit is a shit hole?

    2. everythingbeeps on

      You know who wouldn’t tell a bunch of people to their face that their home is a shithole?


    3. Yeah. He recently thought he was in Louisiana when he was actually in Georgia. So, he’s getting more senile by the week.

    4. Mary Trump describes Trump’s dad’s rapid decline into senility and severe dementia.

      Just a chip off the old block, eh Donnie?

    5. This can’t be real – is there video? I mean, iv’e seen music acts say the wrong city before after traveling a lot, so he might be confused. But I wouldn’t put it past him to just let his disdain for the city of DEtroit be known.

    6. Aggressive-Story3671 on

      It’s not exactly a coincidence he choose a majority black city to fear monger about

    7. EmporerPenguino on

      “It’ll be a shithole like Detroit”, in Detroit. You couldn’t make this much stupid up. What a skid mark.

    8. Sensitive-Ask-9368 on

      That buffoon has no common sense or decency. He wants to watch it all burn to the ground so he can smirk. I can’t wait to watch him go to jail. Who is smirking now Ancient Orange?

    9. He said something similar about Milwaukee right before the republican convention… in Milwaukee. Look if he doesn’t like the midwest swing states, that’s a clear message to all the voters who live there. Clear as day. Maybe next he’ll say something about Philadelphia.

    10. But I’m sure his cult attendees clapped and whooped it up anyway. Then his cult will say “what he meant was…..”

    11. RedditRatsPodcast on

      Detroit people be like, hell yeah! That’s why I’m voting for her, you’re welcome America

    12. Fucking idiot.

      Detroit has come back, way to go, it’s amazing the $hit he spouts

      (I’m from the D area originally)


    13. No, sometimes that’s exactly what people need to hear. Brutal, honest truth. If he said the same thing about South or East San Antonio, I’d completely understand. Hell, or if he said that about Aurora, everyone here in the Denver area would understan. 😆

    14. What the hell color is he now? My sister used to mortuary makeup…that’s some dewy dead foundation

    15. I mean he consistently shits on everything most people love about the USA while running to be president of the USA…. His whole platform is “make America great AGAIN” which implies it’s not great now (or wasn’t great under Obama when he coined the phrase)

      And yet the most “patriotic” people in the country just guzzle that crap right out of his ugly face.

    16. i have heard these pronouncements from a number of candidates. and, strangely, they NEVER come true! we have an election soon and the country hasn’t folded or failed like that asshole said it would.

      why do people still believe this crap?!@

    17. His audience is haters. Like, specifically.

      He knows his audience better than OOP does.

    18. Reminds me of an old Southwest Airlines commercial:


      Um…Detroit was last night. Except it wasn’t.

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