Seems Fair.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. I’m a boomer, but on the tail end. College was easily a quarter of our family income. When I bought my first house it was $140K, although a comparable house is at least three times that. Although I think we were able to scratch up about $10K down. But I think it’s more that everything else is so expensive and the payroll divide has widened.

    2. Why is this shit starting again?

      Is it because it’s nearly election time and they’re running out of stupid ways to divide us, so they’re digging out the boomer v millennial bullshit? Hey, it’s good for a laugh, right?

      So boring.

    3. 100% they got what they wanted and they made sure no one else has it. And I also make sure no one else can change anything. They are going to have to be dead before we can change.

    4. AdvancedHeresy on

      i wish they kept the median salary percent for the entire conversion. how much of salary was a 17k home then, how much of median salary is it now?

      that would have been a more useful metric.

      Saying things cost x amount more than they did gets confusing when you gotta sit there and manually calculate inflation in the example.

      saying it only took you x hours to buy a house but it cost me x+y hours to buy a house, it makes the example on a clear metric.

    5. “basically closed the door”? Kids, no one stopped by with legislation to limit your opportunities for **me** to sign. When faced with two poor choices in elections, I picked the less bad ones.

    6. “Lots of well-off older people,

      Not so many young.

      Shall we help them club the ladder?

      Let’s remove the bottom rung.”

      “We’ll Build A House” – Martin Newell

    7. I’m a boomer born in the first half of the boomer years. My masters degree was almost free. That being said, the value of the first home I purchased has gone up by about 50% in constant dollars. Bad ,yes, but not as bad as it seems. My generation has not been kind to our country, children, and grandchildren. I believe our biggest failure is on environmental issues.

    8. IShouldntBeHere258 on

      Man, I wish we had the kind of power this ascribes to us. Yes, school was cheap then. Yes, global wage equalization and shit like the 2008 crash have devasted people who haven’t yet accumulated high-wage skills and wealth. Maybe half of us are totally stupid about all that. But the other half is dismayed, and to say that we’re not only happy about it but we somehow DID it is just crazy.

    9. Abnormal-Normal on

      Don’t forget, no millennial will have a pension. Boomers retired with 80-100% of their yearly salaries as a yearly pension. And they have social security payments.

      “I hAvE a FiXeD iNcOmE”

      Your fixed income is triple my yearly salary, stop bitching.

    10. DrChimRichaulds on

      I’m going to challenge the notion that Boomers “worked hard”, in a narrow sense. Sure, undoubtedly Boomers worked hard at their jobs, but they didn’t work in the challenging business environment we’ve had for decades now.

      Boomers grew up in a period where there was next to no competition globally because of the destruction of WWII. Our country flourished because we were a manufacturing powerhouse with no equal, willing to destroy our environment, and people globally needed our products because there were no alternatives.

      Boomers had nothing to do with this silver spoon stuck in their mouths, the greatest generation did the heavy lifting.

    11. CatLuverHoustonTX on

      Just remember boomers are now entering the years of senile dementia. Unfortunately, they can still vote AND run for president.

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