There is flooding occuring in the SAHARA DESERT. Yes this is happening right now.

    by -TheMidpoint-


    1. This is the first time flooding has happened in around 50 years.

      On a more grim note, water gushing through the sands and oases also left more than 20 dead in Morocco and Algeria, and damaged farmers’ harvests, forcing the government to allocate emergency relief funds, including in some areas affected by last year’s earthquake.

    2. my brain can’t parse this kind of picture, it just looks unreal, especially the second pic and the thumbnail in the first

    3. The-Lord-Moccasin on

      Dunno if this is good or bad but the dude in the third pic seems to like it and I’m happy for him

    4. Um, I’m no archeologist , but wasn’t the Sahara an ocean millions or billions of years ago? Earth is just starting over

    5. Sarcastic_Backpack on

      I’ve seen other posts and articles about the greening of the Sahara currently. It’s all due to localized flooding, and it won’t last.

      Some people are all excited saying this is a result of climate change. It’s far too soon to say that. If the sahara floods again next year, and the year after that, and most of the time for the next 20 years, then OK, maybe we’ve got the start of something.

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