I can’t be the only one seeing the irony here

    by Swyteh


    1. ResponsibleMilk7620 on

      And there you have it, the Grand Poobah gives the opening address for the annual Leopards Eating Faces ceremonies.

    2. He’s always claimed other people are, what he is, says or does.

      I take this as an admission.

    3. RadiantReflexion on

      “OUR biggest threat…” Interesting wording. Does anyone else hear it as Trump saying, “We (i.e., Trump and his followers) are the stupid people who threaten democracy”?

    4. This asshole runs his mouth continuously all day and everything he says is incoherent nonsense or hatred for his ‘enemies’.

    5. I sometimes find myself thinking it all has to be an act…how does anyone live to be almost 80 being THAT fucking stupid.

      Then I listen to him speak and I have to concede that it isn’t an act; he actually is that stupid and tens of millions of other stupid people think he’s fit for something besides a nursing home….

    6. Is this before or after he told the Detroit crowd, that Kamala will turn the rest of the country in Detroit?

    7. Says the man running on a platform that includes closing the Dept of Education. 🤦‍♂️

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