It is incomprehensible..

    by MoonEliza


    1. Big-Instruction1745 on

      Reminds me of the guy who tweeted that he needs the 2nd amendment in case he needed to hijack a jet and fly to a country with better medical care.

    2. Completely comprehensible. Doesn’t make it legal.

      I would be willing to commit certain illegal acts to defend/provide for my family, but I am under no illusion that those acts can’t be punished just because I am doing them “for the kids”.

    3. Imaginary_Bicycle_14 on

      I am a boat person from the fall of Saigon. My father tossed me over from a small fishing vessel to a war ship…after climbing up the cargo net ladder. Pictures of kids floating in the water as their parents took them to what was supposed to be a better world. Triggers me …

    4. ParticularAd8919 on

      It’s like people forget how families (like their own) function when there’s a time of crisis that forces them to leave where they called home.

    5. sassychubzilla on

      They’d kill for their child because they want an excuse to kill. They don’t understand deliberately undergoing hardship to provide safety and a better life for children.

    6. Or with the child separation policies, “I would agree to send my child off to an unknown land, never to see them again, just to get them out.” It’s nearly incomprehensible to us, but that was what was happening.

    7. YellowRock2626 on

      It’s easier to comprehend for right-wingers because they like the idea of killing people.

    8. Additional-Soup3853 on

      People always say shit like that and don’t have the balls to back it up. My dad would say shit like this all the time and did nothing when my sister was assaulted. It’s more than what some other commenters are saying, where these people want an excuse to kill. They, in reality, do not care enough about their kids. It’s all bark no bite and it’s exactly why they can’t comprehend why another person may violate laws to try to give their kids a better life.

    9. Big_Weekend_5747 on

      curious to know how many of the illegal immigrants that crossed the border and the refugees that entered the US and Canada in the past few years consists of families with children. 

    10. This dude is missing the point. The people who look down on refugees who are crossing dangerous borders for a better life for their kids *might* be willing to **kill** for their children (or for pride), but they wouldn’t be willing to **die** for them. To the cruel and selfish people that hate on refugees, hurting others is palatable but personal sacrifice is a bridge too far.

    11. I imagine the people against it would think “They can cross whatever other borders they want. They just can’t cross into my borders.”

    12. This sub needs a “No truth bombs” rule. They are not facepalms.

      “But but but they are making a loose reference to a political opinion or situation that I find to be remotely tangential to a facepalm so they belong here.”

      No they are low effort not facepalms and do not belong here.

    13. I put these folks up there with the brave souls that set out to settle this country 150 years ago. They literally risk everything in the hope of something better.

    14. A gallon of water lasts roughly an hour across a desert. People are trying to cross deserts in families of 4-5 with a gallon each having spent their life’s savings to get there. They know they aren’t welcomed. They don’t speak the language. They could lose everything they spent and get sent home. They are just as intelligent as we are.

      They have thought it through and determined they’d rather risk their lives and spend their entire lives as second-class citizens unwelcome in a country whose language they don’t speak and whose culture is foreign rather than to try and raise their family where they came from.

      Bro if it’s that bad there, welcome home, here’s a flag, a hotdog and a Spanish-English dictionary. Many Americans hate physical hard work so try construction and farm work first. Avoid the cops. Marry an American.

    15. So spoiled sitting in their recliner whining about someone who is trying to escape a war torn,corrupted and incredibly dangerous situation. Their biggest concern is if their kid gets picked on a travel team and finding a close parking spot at Walmart !

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