This men’s bathroom in Portland, Oregon has free tampons and maxi pads

    by DoughnutFit


    1. Trans dude here. This could come in handy in a pinch, and if you are an adult with a daughter, you have options if the ladies room has run out.

    2. These paper ones are pretty low quality of course but I’ve used this to hook my daughter up in a pinch (the womens’ is frequently out and teenagers are unsurprisingly terrible at planning ahead). Unironically good thing, like when they started putting changing tables in mens’ rooms as well.

      These changes have improved my life, don’t really care whose feathers get ruffled over it, and I don’t understand what thought process leads people to the pro-free flowing gross menstrual blood side of the argument.

    3. Impossible. My Fox-watching neighbors have told me repeatedly that Portland was burned to the ground by the Woke.

    4. MidnightFireHuntress on

      Is this an American only thing?

      I’ve never seen this in any other country, including my own.

    5. Physicist_Gamer on

      Wild how sensitive conservatives men are.

      Just the idea of putting a healthcare product in a public space they might use gets them all upset.

      Don’t worry buds, the tampon dispenser isn’t going to hurt you.

    6. In addition to the trans inclusivity I’m also grateful for cis men to be normalised to the concept of menstrual products. Seriously, a tampon will not burn you.

    7. Hell yeah!! If not for yourself, it can be given to a daughter/wife/gf. And to the conservatives — who the fuck cares if there is a tampon machine in the bathroom? Are you not capable of not focusing on it and going into a blind fucking rage?

    8. Sister was upset about this at work. The Women’s required money to use, while the Men’s was free.

    9. I know a lot of people will complain about this being a “trans” thing. But it’s probably helpful for men with daughters who are old enough to need these but young enough to not be able to get them themsleves.

    10. eragonawesome2 on

      Good! You should call your state representative to tell them “Hey, I saw this today, wasn’t bothered by it, and think it’s a good idea!”

      They get calls all day from transphobes acting like installing that kind of thing is an act of rape against anyone who sees and understands what it is, be the voice to stand out and say “actually I think this is good!”

    11. I find it so funny how triggered maga idiots are by this. Like, you must have absolutely no women in your life to be so upset about this. Either that, or you’re utterly unwilling to take advantage of free handouts to help them, which is also just petty.

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