“Remember sir, Michigan is super important to our campaign. You have to nail this speech.”

    by CatVideoFest


    1. BluesSuedeClues on

      I swear, every single day Pumpkin Tits here picks a new subset of voters he is determined to alienate and offend.

    2. CurrentlyLucid on

      With a mind of mush and a will of iron, trump trudges along spilling bullshit left and right.

    3. “Sioux Falls, thank you very much, Sioux Falls.”

      —To crowd in Sioux City

      “What we saw, at Pleasure, what a name, right now. What we just saw, we just left Pleasure.”

      —Describing fire damage at Paradise, CA

      And he calls Kamala “mentally impaired.”

    4. How has no one else figured out this guy is nothing but a Reddit Troll let out in to the real world?

      I’ve sworn for years he and his cronies sit around and have coffee each day and figure out what new outlandish bullshit he’s going to say just so they can laugh about it not changing the poll numbers because he has his followers so completely brainwashed it no longer matters

    5. Environmental-Arm365 on

      …and Michigan is now solidly blue heading into the election. Tigers are in the playoffs, Lions are a SB contender, don’t talk shit about Detroit.

    6. RubiksSugarCube on

      In the fucking moron’s defense (and I shudder when I type that), 99% of the people he was speaking to probably hail from Grosse Pointe or Palmer Woods

    7. Santos_L_Halper_II on

      Personally I think it’s a great strategy because it mobilizes the hicks everywhere else. Greg Abbott and Turd Cruz pull the same shit here in Texas and it works. Routinely insult and outright lie about all the biggest cities, and the rest of the state eats it up. People in those places never go to Austin or Dallas or Houston, but they know it sucks and is very scary in the cities. Democrats and black people and gays live there! It’s how they keep getting elected despite every big city voting against them.

      I bet people in East Possum Springs, Michigan feel the same way about Detroit, so this will mobilize them too.

    8. His people don’t care about Detroit, it’s all blacks & gangs there, per the people on the TV.

    9. “What? Someone’s gotta tell them Detroit sucks. Might as well be me. After all I’m the guy who says it like it is…”

    10. When he says Detroit, that’s a dog whistle to his supporters to mean Black Americans, that deserve his hate and anger!

    11. Donald Trump explicitly appeals to the most pessimistic and hateful voters, I don’t think insulting their city is going to lose him any votes. They themselves hate it.

    12. “You are losers! You will give me money and votes!”

      Audience gives him money and votes. Next sucker!

    13. DONT CARE As a Law Abiding citizrnI I NOT VOTING for a FELON..


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