Rest in piss bozo

    by Just_Ad_7082


    1. Contrasted with how the West was so understanding of those people in the 50’s and 60’s. What is this?

    2. Faceless_Deviant on

      It is such a deserved “fuck you” that this assholes face was co-opted and sold on t-shirts.

    3. MaxStunning_Eternal on

      When you can admit this social/political ideology has its faults.

      When given the freedom of it’s own devices…only “good” can happen.

    4. 🖕bro he was after nazi Klaus Barbie who was supported by the U.S. government and was involved in narcotics trafficking, arms dealing, and death squads including Operation Condor.

      The U.S. government has been supporting a nazi underground in Latin America.

      Come at me.

    5. “blacks are lazy and indolent and the revolution will do for the blacks as much as the blacks did for the revolution”

      Or some different commie gibberish

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