Huge discovery!

    by mybrainisfull


    1. DungeonMasterGrizzly on

      It took me a quarter of a second, I wonder how many people liked and shared this without getting the joke 🌞🙃

    2. beardingmesoftly on

      Don’t forget about refrigerants. Responsible for ozone depletion and global warming, in part.

    3. unique-name-9035768 on

      > “How bout you? Find anything yet?”

      ~~We ain’t found shit!~~ “Yeah actually we did find it.”

    4. I’m so glad to be at the point where I’m not buying oil directly. There’s always a lot of indirect aspects, and there’s a lot more I could do to reduce my carbon footprint, like reducing my meat intake, but burning fuel directly feels so dirty and archaic. As batteries get better and better, oil becomes harder and harder to justify as a form of energy storage. I genuinely believe that in 50 years, ICE vehicles will be regarded the same way as oil lamps are today.

    5. I feel dumb for clicking on this. Obviously there’s no machine out there that’s making all of this happen but I clicked it anyway. At least I’m smarter than the average Trump fan I know this is all b*******

    6. Now get this, here’s how they are doing it. You won’t believe how dastardly it is. They take these machines, and drill deep down under the ocean looking for trapped toxic chemicals that have been there for ages. They pull this stuff out of the ground and process and purify it, while making all sorts of nasty poisons and toxins and can you believe it, shit that they will actually SELL to us for a profit. Then they burn it. They burn it all over the damn place, and they convince people to burn it for them! Tell them it’s convenient. It’s easy. Just burn some poison and turn it into a gas! Then that gas mixes with the atmosphere and that’s where the real horror begins. Once it’s in the air, it makes things HOT. You ever forget that you left your oven on and only realize when suddenly it’s feeling a little hotter in your house than normal? It’s like that, but everywhere! They’ve been leaving that oven on for years, decades, centuries. And sure this oven is big, but it’s getting HOT. All that heat starts messing with the weather and creating these big heat domes, and hurricanes, and tornadoes and shit. It’s cooking the planet, cooking all of us. And don’t forget, they make money on this. And they convince so many people to help them! Wake up Sheeple!

    7. LabradorDeceiver on

      Jeez, it took me a second.

      Maybe I need more sleep, but the neurons have been firing like a delayed reaction all day. For a second I thought that was Sealand!

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