It has taken 3 years for Windows 11 to reach only one third of Windows market share. MS has only one year left to make 11 somehow overtake 10 enough, otherwise ending 10’s support that early will be unjustifiable.

    by TheInsane103


    1. Not surprising when windows 11 doesn’t “officially” support a lot of existing hardware.

      Microsoft is going to need to drag a pretty big carrot in front of me in order to convince me to upgrade.

    2. They always push these things out anyway. Even when they’re ahead of things they end up extending support.

    3. Honestly it’s a bit of a mess.. task bar is missing a massive amount of customization it used to have. They still after all these years haven’t replaced control panel even though they have tried and tried it still hasn’t reached feature parity. It can be buggy here and there. I still don’t get there taskbar justifications on why you can’t customize it. It’s been like that since windows 95 and it feels like another partial windows 8 situation where they are just ignoring feedback.

    4. Overall, I regret moving to Win 11. In the ways I use it, it has less overall functionality, and more annoyance. Unfortunately, that’s what came on my last computer purchase, and it doesn’t suck quite enough to make it worth reinstalling to Win 10.

      Every time I see an ad appear on my task bar, in my start menu, whatever, I hope a rabid mongoose bites every microsoft executive on the nutsack.

    5. Ending support for Win10 and creating enormous cost extended support contracts for Businesses that refuse to transfer is the right move for them.

      Giving fucks about gamers that want to stick to old hardware or OS’s for a couple extra fps isn’t their problem.

    6. The justification for ending 10’s support is to encourage everyone to upgrade to an actually (modestly but substantially) secure system design, finally, at long last.

    7. Windows 11 is just worse. They keep piling on layers of crap that makes it feel more like a sketchy phone OS than one for a PC. It also feels more invasive while simultaneously being less responsive. I’m not usually an “older is better” type of guy, but I think for operating systems we don’t need to change things up much from windows 10.

    8. ffxivthrowaway03 on

      What a sensationalist title.

      There’s nothing “unjustifiable” about ending support. Win 10 is a decade old product, and consumer usage does not dictate what they’re beholden to support. In fact, 33% in the first three years is *great* adoption compared to previous versioning – many people skipped previous versions *entirely* but Win7 is down to less than 3% and ~97% of all Windows users are on a *supported* version of the OS (LTSC contracts and industrial usage aside).

      Like I get people want to hate on Win11, but these numbers dont say what you claim they say.

    9. I’m just waiting for Windows 12 which will unfuck a lot of what Windows 11 fucked.

    10. Also, Windows 11 essentially bricks Windows Mixed Reality headsets. I know it’s a tiny fraction of the user base, but losing compatibility with hardware that works on previous versions of Windows is less than ideal.

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