Well that was a great idea.

    by Comet_With_One_T


    1. Low-Speaker-2557 on

      Ah, yes. A plot to vaccinate against CoVid that has been practiced since decades before CoVid was a thing.

    2. DemythologizedDie on

      Reminder: The Halfway Post isn’t real. The things it reports haven’t happened.

    3. You don’t get It, she’s actually working in secret to eliminate all the bigots once and for all

    4. Jewish person here: we don’t care if you choose to ignore sound medical advice and refuse to get vaccinated, and we sure as hell aren’t going to put vaccines in milk products.

    5. Louis Pasteur was a Jewish witch who could see the future and knew COVID was coming and invented pasteurization so that once the 5G towers were deployed the milk in our systems would deliver the killer vaccine and destroy America and turn it over to the immigrants leaving our dogs and cats to be their meals. Bob Barker knew it was coming and he tried to starve the immigrant hordes by telling us to have our pets spayed and neutered but we just didn’t listen


    6. fresh_water_sushi on

      I heard drinking bleach and a little light inside the body will clear that right up

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