Even after that Pokemon was considered satanic in my catholic school

    by Kida_Kawaii


    1. randomusername1934 on

      Are we just ignoring ‘doing absolutely everything it could to preserve as much of the literature of Ancient Rome and Greece as it possibly could’ then?

    2. Phew! I’m so thankful that the gave Pokémon cards the seal of approval over CIVIL RIGHTS. Fuck the church and their lengthy history of oppressive bullshit against anyone that wasn’t Catholic or was the wrong flavor of human and has been credited with violence against untold numbers. Their relentless campaign against gay rights alone is disgusting.

      Signed, a Gay Jew 🖕

    3. Being/(having under you control) the biggest charity organization in the world is nothing I guess
      Or humanizing the west with morals (like more than 90% of western values come from church)
      Or being the leading sponsor of scientists and the like for centuries
      Or being the most important opponent of kings wanting to have a complete domination in their country
      Or more things

      Tho coming back to the meme , I like it this is really funny and a great way to fight against heretic priests who are spreading fear mongering theories form their assholes

      (Btw I know church had and still has some issues , but that doesn’t mean we can’t acknowledge the good that they did in history)

    4. No-Consideration3053 on

      Realistic, dont the Pokémon believe in polytheism? If so then why didn’t pope meet with shaman Pikachu in 2000?

    5. Pope co-financed war on Russia in 16th century. Polish king had died before starting the campaign tho’

      So it didn’t work out smh

    6. Dependent_Divide_625 on

      Didn’t the Pope also listen to Megalovania and played Undertale before and said he liked both of those things?

    7. EnergyHumble3613 on

      Ironically the medieval church did take accusations of sexual assault seriously.

      When I was in uni my professor used this as an example of weird things that you run into in sources:

      A local priest is hit by local woman with a chicken.

      A weird and silly statement to read until you dig in deeper and see ***why*** he was hit with a chicken.

      It turns out that, one, he had been taking advantage of his position as the parish priest to assault her and two she had been refusing to pay her tithes because of it. After much badgering about her tithes she came in on a Sunday, before the whole congregation and God, and hit him with her word tithes: a chicken. He then denounced him before all and it wasn’t long before other women in the parish reported similar treatment.

      The Church heard the accusations, hauled his ass before court, and had him defrocked for such behaviour unbecoming of a man of God.

      Unfortunately I cannot find a source but it was an entertaining story and his opener into how the Catholic Church had power in its time, was perhaps a little more open minded in some ways, and was the foundation of law and education in its time for Western Europe… before the dark times… before the schisms, the corruption, the Crusades (including those against European “Heretics” or Pagans), and the ungodly amount of money that the Pope could use however he wished. That and the politics entering the Church.


    8. John Paul 2 did this INSTEAD of dealing with the active child sex abuse he admitted to having direct knowledge of…

      So yeah

    9. faroukthesailorkkk on

      Ah, yes. The church. The institution that developed and spreaded the abhorrent feudal system where common people were serfs and did everything to protect it until their power was weakened by the centralized states. That church. It was one of the best things that happened to Europe when their power declined and the European states centralized and weakened the church’s power. After that happened they conquered the world! I am glad it’s slowly dying. Good riddance!

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