Says the one who didn’t want to be fact-checked

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. It want incoherent or oddly edited he thinks it was because his train of thought derailed, spreading toxic sludge everywhere, and is currently on fire.

    2. I got up to where he thinks sliced and diced is the same as cut and paste, and just couldn’t take any more.

    3. No way is he accusing the other side of campaign finance violations after the year he just had.

    4. I’m so glad that I’m going to be able to enjoy at least 20 years on this planet without having to share it with this fucking moron.

    5. Dude uses the word incoherent but can’t form a descent sentence without using 25 commas. Alrighty!

    6. So..he was having little blackouts or TIA’s while watching the interview? That’s not alarming at all.

    7. AbandonedColorado on

      I don’t get why any lawyer would represent this guy.

      He can’t shut the hell up. He has to talk. He is immune to good advice. He admits to his crimes online and in person.

      However, since the US has a two tier justice system, he keeps getting pass after pass.

      If it was anybody else doing what he has done, they’d be rotting in a federal prison already.

    8. He typed 68 words before his first period. Donald Drumpf defines, “..virtually incoherent, over and over again, some by as many as four times in a single sentence or thought, all in an effort, possibly illegal..”

    9. Many newscasters—burly, patriotic men with tears in their eyes—have knelt before me and apologized for this terrible breach of ethics

    10. Slade_Riprock on

      Everything is an investigation and illegal. Everything is a campaign finance violation. This is him trying to whataboutism his CONVICTED crimes of improper campaign financing with the hush payment to Daniels.

      He thinks it he can tie what others shave done to what he’s been convicted of he can away the belief that he’s being railroaded.

      Problem is his entire campaign is a ginormous tent revival preaching to a 46% choir. He is only talking to his base and his base isn’t enough to win. He doesn’t get in 2016 he flipped voters, he convinced voters to go his direction. He thinks he still owns the but 2020 proved that theory wrong. Everytime he opens his mouth he turns off the very few percent of people that can decide this election.

    11. Lumpy_Branch_4835 on

      The sad part is this pile of bullshit was written by someone on his staff. As moronic as it is it shows a bare minimum of writing discipline. Something Trump is incapable of.

    12. I have no idea what he’s supposed to be talking about here.

      It’s like he’s just selecting the next suggested word on the word prompt.

    13. Will this dipshit just shut up? For fuck’s sake. I remember the relief I felt when he was banned from Twitter and silenced. Now I’m gonna have to be subject to is neverending whining until he lands himself into a grave.

    14. He says this as if he’s watched all the raw footage of the interview and cross referenced it with the broadcast cut. Just making shit up knowing his followers will believe it and repeat it.

    15. Just to be clear, that “license” is a broadcast license, a not a “News Division” license, and this has been addressed in the past when bozo the clown has made statements like this before:

      Not saying this comments have any merit either way, but his understanding of the way things actually work is non-nonsensical.

    16. Cool-Protection-4337 on

      You just suck at talking donOld. It may resonate with your small base but the rest of us see an orange bumbling old fool. Even if true, it most certainly is not, Kamala had the courage to go on and didn’t complain about fact checkers of all things like Trump and now Republicans constantly do. Why is everything illegal? Projection again? Nevermind it is always projection. 

      DonOld to scared of the truth.

      DonOld has never looked nor acted “presidential”.

      DonOld who gave Afghanistan back to the Taliban out of spite and to hinder Biden, nevermind how many Americans served and lost their lives there.

      DonOld who golfed at his resorts more than he put in effort at the white house. All at tax payer expense at his courses so it all went in HIS pocket.

      DonOld first president ever to not only buck the peaceful transfer of power but organized a coup across multiple states and sent a crowd to blitz the capitol.

      DonOld never can admit he is wrong.

      DonOld has told a record number of lies. So much so you just assume he is always doing so.

      DonOld who actually set the justice department against his enemies, just like he is projecting at Democrats now.

      DonOld who stole sensitive documents with our national secrets. Put them in a closet at his resort and refused to give them back making the government take further steps 

      DonOld who forced the FBI not to investigate Kavanaugh so he could get his corrupt partisan judges seated.

      DonOld who cries and moans about every little thing like the spoiled brat that never grew up he is.

      DonOld who is a convicted rapist and part of the Epstein pack of degenerates.

      DonOld possibly worst dancer ever.

      DonOld can’t keep a coherent thought and convey it.

      DonOld so vain he wears a wig, lifts and 10 lbs of bronzer to go anywhere.

      DonOld sick womanizer who doesn’t understand woman’s rights as he is from a bygone age.

      DonOld who brought extraordinary nepotism to the Whitehouse by giving roles to whole family.

      DonOld who hates half our nation simply because we have different views. Not only hates he encourages others to see them as less than human so violence and division is much more likely. Incredible leadership there.

      DonOld who complains about outsourcing to China. Sells Bible made in China for much more than $3 cost. Very Christ like and just another grift of his voters.

    17. TheGreatGoddlessPan on

      Here is what no one is saying. HE IS NOT LYING!!! To lie the liar must know that he is speaking an untruth, must know that he is intending to deceive. In Trumps mind every word he says is the absolute truth. This is the disease of narcissism. The man is very very sick in the head.

    18. Basically the entire media has “stupidity fatigue”.

      They spend all of their time and headlines focusing on finding anything they can pick apart from Harris because taking about all of the stupid shit pouring out of Trump’s mouth has gotten exhausting and it doesn’t draw the attention it once did. Everyone knows he’s a fucking moron who is going to say something insane on a daily basis. It isn’t really “news” anymore.

      It’s unfortunate because they are left bashing Harris over actual policy responses while Trump gets a free pass to just blurt out blatant moronic conspiracy theories and baseless rhetoric. He is never held accountable for saying shit like, “We have a concept of a plan…” and all sort of other mindless trash.

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