I’m tired, y’all. I’m tired of this clown.

    by Ok_Acadia3526


    1. Ok_Acadia3526 on

      He DID do what was right for the country, dumbass. It’s the one good thing Mike Pence has done. You’re mad because he didn’t do what was right for YOU. Narcissistic motherfucker.

    2. Please vote, America. Please, do not let Trump anywhere near power ever again. It won’t solve all our problems, but at least it will prevent him from making them a hundred times worse.

    3. I like this Andrew guy, didn’t know he’s “one of them”. Ugh! One less comedian in my book

    4. NightchadeBackAgain on

      Trump is a traitor, insurrectionist, liar, rapist, narcissist, corrupt felon, and the ONLY thing that stood between our nation and fascism was Mike Pence. Let that sink in for a second.

      We must never allow this scum to obtain power again. It will be the end of our nation, our society, and our way of life.

      Vote blue.

    5. HabitualLogic on

      I think everyone is tired of this clown. Even a lot of his supporters, they are just too ignorant to admit their mistake.

    6. maddabattacola on

      It’s interesting how many popular male standup comedians seem to be straight-up MAGA.

    7. Pugsofsmallstreet on

      I’m tired of this rise of ultra right media all a sudden.
      It’s all so cool and fucking hip now. This clown may very well win and these ass hats are going to jump for joy because they are getting paid but the things they say are seriously damaging.

    8. I’m tired of all the people in this country that support overthrowing the government if it aligns with their political beliefs.

    9. The_River_Is_Still on

      I hope Kamala crushes it and we can finally move past this scumbag. Tantrums afterward aside, we can finally start to heal from the fucking open wound of this piece of trash.

      And never forget: Republicans let this happen and even encouraged it. They haven’t changed. They bend laws and cheat to get wins and it’s destroying the country. This isn’t the country I grew up in, even from just a society standpoint. We would hit speed bumps but we still felt like we were moving forward. This has to stop

    10. In my opinion has landed a good number of his worshippers in jail. Word to the wise, don’t take legal advice from Donnie.

    11. Cross the line? That isn’t a phrase you use when speaking on doing the right thing.

      Crossing the line usually implies that you are breaking a rule, or a… ummm, uh, what were that thing called again?

      Oh yeah, **LAWS**

    12. He knew he lost the election, and he’s this salty 4 years later that Pence wasn’t loyal enough to help him cheat

    13. “Couldn’t cross the line” is the correct phrase. It shows that he knows there was a limit.

    14. He ” couldn’t cross the line” . Yeah, ” crossing the line”? That’s seldom a good thing.

    15. He has taken up so much hard drive space in my brain and I wish I could just Men in Black wipe him from my mind. He is a stain on humanity and easily one of the worst people to ever live. He will be remembered for all time, like it or not 

    16. The “Flagrant” neon sign in the background perfectly epitomizes everything that Trump has ever done, before, during and after his Presidency.

    17. inkslingerben on

      It was right for Trump if Pence crossed the line, but not in the eyes of the law was it legal. Just like many of his supporters did what was right for Trump, but illegal in the eyes of the law – and they went to prison.

    18. YoshiTheDog420 on

      Im tired of people giving this clown a platform. He should be in a jail cell. Not doing interviews.

    19. FlimsyConclusion on

      Putting you above the Constitution? Yeah, fuck that. It’s the one thing Pence did right.

    20. Sumthin-Sumthin44692 on

      What a weird thing to say.

      Who talks about doing the “right thing” as “crossing a line”? Sounds like Trump almost said the quiet part out loud.

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