The European mind cannot comprehend a company this dedicated to not closing

    by WillowPillQueen


    1. Theonearmedbard on

      It’s true, my european mind can’t comprehend a company putting their profit this much over lifes and it being completely legal

    2. Waffle House execs are SO GOOD at making workers risk life and limb for minimum wage with no benefits and no retirement, that they get paid a great wage with platinum benefits and a retirement package!

    3. NoWingedHussarsToday on

      My European mind can’t comprehend not saying “fuck that noise” when asked to come to work during such weather.

    4. MarianVonWaisenfeld on

      As a European it feels weird to accept anything an american company as a generally good thing with all the horror stories floating around.

      From what I could gather here we’re not talking about worker exploitation for once but a generally good thing being done that although of course it is driven by profits still helps communities a lot after a catastrophic event.
      So thumbs up from me!

    5. HumanJoystick on

      “The European Mind”, ffs. 750 million people in 50 countries. But they have one mind… Some people are such idiots.

    6. I think in Europe, we have publicly-funded weather agencies that work quite nicely, but I do envy NOAA satellites they have broadcasting predictions. We also have this little this called basic labor laws.

    7. ChesterSteele on

      Why yes, an european like myself can not comprehend how a state-service like the FEMA is so bogged-down and underfunded that they need help from a bunch of wazoos like Waffle House. 🙄

    8. BannonCirrhoticLiver on

      Because Waffle House doesn’t care about their employees. That’s why they’re open 24 hours and they fire employees who fight back when their drunk clientele attacks them. They don’t give a shit about the employees.

    9. KrombopulosDelphiki on

      I’m happy to shit on corporate greed but I’ll be goddamned if you’re gonna convince me that those open Waffle Houses aren’t going to be a safe, dry place for people to congregate in the wake of a natural disaster. A cup of coffee after your house just blew away might be the only comfort available for a while…

      Seems kinda like something good being done. I’d bet that that in some areas, there will be employees offering to work shifts as a way to contribute. Not everything has to be capitalism is evil. It often is, but this doesn’t feel like an example of that

    10. TheRealCabbageJack on

      Waffle House Technology Team: We have the technology to take these Hashbrowns to the next level: Scattered, Smothered, Covered, Chopped…and now…Topped.

      Some Euro: Quesquecette merde ?

    11. A little misleading. They don’t stay open during the hurricane, they plan out ways to make sure they can reopen as fast as possible after the storm. This is done so first responders or people that weathered the storm can have a warm place with hot food.

    12. Just close your fucking stores so your employees don’t have to travel to work through a storm/disaster area.

      Fucking hell…

    13. Digital-Sushi on

      What a company having a plan for disaster recovery? why would we not comprehend this in Europe.

      Most companies have a DR plan in place for numerous situations, but probably not for hurricanes as we don’t tend to get them over here.

      What a bizarre statement to make by OP.

    14. To be clear, Waffle Houses are not open during storms, and they are not putting their employees in danger by having them work/come to work during storms.

      Waffle House opens their locations after the disaster/storm passes. They have a protocol to get the location up and running quickly. The restaurant then acts as a hub for organizations like FEMA to ship supplies to, because FEMA uses the Waffle Houses to do things like figure out where the people who need help are.

      Waffle House might be the only place where people can get a warm meal or electricity in the days after a hurricane.

    15. Everyone who prioritizes the profits of Waffle House over the safety of the employees is a classist.

    16. --StinkyPinky-- on

      Dude, Waffle House is the shit man.

      Where else in the world, at any time of the day, can you get a plate of eggs served to you by a person who looks like they just got out of a 20 year stint in federal prison?

    17. The European mind can’t comprehend how approx. 50% of US voters think an absolute dunce like Trump has the intelligence to be president.

    18. Pickled_Gherkin on

      My European mind does indeed not comprehend.
      This has less to do with humanity’s innate ability to come together and accomplish great things in times of crisis, and more to do with trying to fathom a country where supposed leaders are actively caught sabotaging aid efforts to their own people in order to blame it on their political opposition without being subsequently put to the fucking guillotine.

      Maybe “Widescale cooperation for the good of the common people” isn’t the best thing for you to brag about right now ‘Murica. Good on those people tho.

    19. danleon950410 on

      All is fun and games until your employees are killed and your sorry ass is fired and sued to kingdom come

    20. My European company sends us home early when the Dutch team had the quarter finals against England with the European championship….

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