Ukranians have covered the M1A1-SA(BV) main battle tank with so much Kontekt-1ERA and other add ons it looks like a samurai.

    by clockworkittens


    1. LotusVibes1494 on

      It’s crazy that you could train intensively, work with this vehicle for years, then go to war. You drive it 50yds and get blown up from some Russian dude with COD experience and a cheap drone. I don’t understand how anyone can go to battle with any confidence in the modern era. You could be fully equipped and just die in seconds. Tanks are like play toys that take a shot then instantly get destroyed, what’s the point in being in a tank? I’d feel like an idiot if I was in a tank, my whole life reduced to percentage chance of a drone hitting me or not. Not a life worth living tbh.

      I’d say war is pointless, but then again it’s always been pointless. Just insecure assholes that never learned self-love and project it onto everyone else “I don’t love life, so we should all fucking kill each other”. Bunch of weak pussies that can’t handle life if you ask me. Loving is the real challenge.

    2. CompetitiveYou2034 on

      ERA (explosive reactive armor) is fine, covers 96(?) percent ?
      That last bit is critical.

      Optics, viewfinders are exposed, they have to be able to see.
      Accurately flown FPV drones can blind a tank.
      Also accurately aimed gunfire, from a vehicle or troops with the balls to get close.

      Radiators must exhaust heat, as they operate.
      Must have an open path, even if circuitous.

      Turrets revolve.
      There is a gap between the turret and hull. However small, it is present.

      Sir Isaac Newton always wins.
      Armor on top always thinner, and a weaker spot.

      Bottom line, precision weapons will find a way.

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